In this article, we’ll define the wordsgaugeandgage, explain how they are typically used, and provide example sentences. Quick summary Gaugeis the much more common word. It has several different meanings as both a verb and a noun, many of which relate to measurement. The wordgagerefers to...
-test can be used to define the gene set. since these features are the same between patients and single cells, the patients and cells share the same input layer. this makes it possible to predict proportional hazard and cell type regardless of the input sample type (patient or single-cell ...
” This has been the fundamental question in the prestigious journal “Strain Gage Readings” [12], and their answer: Sensitivity, a transfer characteristic, as a ratio of change in output to change in measured parameter. In our case: Force sensitivity! Looking at the historical evolution, it...
Computerized electro-optical system gages two orthogonal dimensions of a moving hot bar and plots cold bar profile. Dual back-lighted electronic camera heads mounted 90° apart on a scanner generate se