Examples ofgageandgaugeused in a sentence Let’s gauge our word knowledge by looking at some example sentences that usegaugeandgage. Polls are a common gauge of voter sentiment. Divers used different tools to gauge how deep the water was. The oil gauge indicated that the truck would soon ne...
When referring to a measurement device, ‘gage’ is not the correct term; ‘gauge’ should be used. Common synonyms for ‘gauge’ include meter, measure, as well as specific types like manometer, barometer, or speedometer, depending on the context. ...
For example, you might come across: a gauge in the cockpit of an airplane a shotgun shell that is measured in a specific gauge to denote its size or weight something being used as a tool of measurement (e.g., the stock market as a gauge for the health of the American economy) ...
The meaning of GAGE is a measurement (as of linear dimension) according to some standard or system. How to use gage in a sentence. Gage vs. Gauge
The meaning of GAGE is a measurement (as of linear dimension) according to some standard or system. How to use gage in a sentence. Gage vs. Gauge
Example: vargauge=newJustGage({id:"gauge-targetLine",value:50,min:0,max:100,decimals:2,gaugeWidthScale:0.6,targetLine:50,targetLineColour:"#000",targetLineWidth:4}); Methods Refresh Used to refresh Gauge value and max value guage.refresh(val, max, min, label) ...
So is it GAGE or GAUGE? You might not believe it, especially when I spend hours on this site giving away a lifetime of auto repair knowledge for free, but sometimes I'll get a downright nasty e-mail concerning really trivial things like spelling and grammar. So I address this issue in...
Example: pointerOptions: {toplength:null,bottomlength:null,bottomwidth:null,stroke:'none',stroke_width:0,stroke_linecap:'square',color:'#000000'} TargetLine Example: vargauge =newJustGage({id:"gauge-targetLine",value:50,min:0,max:100,decimals:2,gaugeWidthScale:0.6,targetLine:50,targetLine...
We test a lot of software to get a good gauge on workstation performance, but there's always room for more - or at least possible replacements. In this article, we're exploring...
LTC6081 Single Supply Strain Gauge Amplifier Circuit Collection. Available online: http://www.analog.com/en/design-center/reference-designs/circuitcollections/ltc6081-single-supply-strain-gauge-amplifier.html (accessed on 8 September 2018). Adafruit Feather M0 Adalogger. Available online: https://lear...