Example: Duke Richard was highly offended by the earl and threw down a gage to challenge the rapscallion to a duel of honor. Sometimes,gageis used as an alternate spelling ofgaugein technical contexts when referring to measuring equipment or machinery. However, this usage is very rare and the...
gauge (redirected fromGuage) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia gauge a measuring device; to test; a size:twelve-gauge shotguns;the fineness of knitted fabric:sixty-gauge stockings Not to be confused with: gage– a security or a pledge; something, as a glove, thrown down as a challenge to fight...
nounreference point,gauge,yardstick,measure,level,example,standard,model,reference,par,criterion,norm,touchstoneThe truck industry is a benchmark for the economy. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook wind pressure [′win ‚presh·ər] (mechanics) The total force exerted upon a structure by wind. Also known as velocity pressure. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright ©...
SGStrain Gage SGSuriname Guilder(national currency) SGSecretaris-Generaal SGSanta Gertrudis(cattle breed) SGSabado Gigante(Big Saturday; TV show, Univision) SGSpark Gap(voltage control device) SGSpyro Gyra(band) SGSchmalenbach-Gesellschaft(German financial institute) ...
gage, Gage, gauge, mage, page, rage, sage, stage, swage, wage assuage, backstage, birdcage, broad- gauge, downstage, encage, engage, enrage, forestage, front-page, greengage, offstage, onstage, Osage, outrage, presage, rampage, restage, soundstage, space-age, substage, teenage, uncage...
recurvs.reoccur The verbsrecurandreoccurare both used to mean “to occur again” or “to happen again.” However, there is a difference in how they are typically used. Reoccuris typically used in the context of something happening more than once—often for a second time. Usually,reoccurdoesn...
A type of turbo-charger controller that limits the maximum discharge pressure the turbocharger's compressor can build up when the aircraft is flying below its critical altitude. Absolute pressure is indicated by a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) gauge. ...
SG Strain Gage SG Suriname Guilder (national currency) SG Secretaris-Generaal SG Santa Gertrudis (cattle breed) SG Sabado Gigante (Big Saturday; TV show, Univision) SG Spark Gap (voltage control device) SG Spyro Gyra (band) SG Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft (German financial institute) SG Swan-Gan...
Narrow-Gage Railway narrow-gap spark chamber Narrow-Gauge Cinematography narrowing narrow-light door narrow-ringed Narrow-Row Seeding narrows narrow-sector recorder narrow-sense heritability narrow-spectrum antibiotic Narrow-Web Coal Mining narsarsukite Narses Narshakhi Narsimha Jayanti Narthex Nartkala Nart...