上图说明:要实现门控时钟的转换必须在综合设置中将-gated_clock_conversion设置为on或auto,且要在Verilog代码中设置gated_clock属性,两者缺一不可。设置gated_clock属性指定了门控时钟逻辑的输入时钟(而非输出时钟),比如:(* gated_clock = “true” *) input clk;中的clk就是输入时钟。 下图是门控时钟的测试代码。
上图说明:要实现门控时钟的转换必须在综合设置中将-gated_clock_conversion设置为on或auto,且要在Verilog代码中设置gated_clock属性,两者缺一不可。设置gated_clock属性指定了门控时钟逻辑的输入时钟(而非输出时钟),比如:(* gated_clock = “true” *) input clk;中的clk就是输入时钟。 下图是门控时钟的测试代码。
Hello, I'm running Quartus 22.3 building for an S10 FPGA. Since my FPGA is prototype, the project includes several clock gated to solve it I added
This is particularly true when the underlying load circuit is in a low-current/low-power state and needs to wake up in a few clock cycles. Other conventional metrics of analog LDOs, like voltage ripple, PSR can be relaxed as these non-idealities add a small margin to the already existing...
This absolutely holds true for ASICs just as it does for FPGAs, and even discrete logic circuits. When all logic is performed with the same clock (with no clock gates) all the logic updates at the same time (with tiny bit of delay called clock skew) This is great, because you ca...
Gated clock has duty-cycle control.Presents the design for the production of clock pulses with variable duty cycle from a gated clock. Delay-logic and integrated circuit elements; Results of increasing the propagation delays of the increase-duty-cycle delay-logic element.Kemp...
The present invention comprises a clocked bus keeper circuit that does not drive the bus during the first half of a clock cycle and then holds the value driven onto the bus during the first half of the clock cycle for the second half of the clock cycle. Accordingly, true data drivers on...
i need to use gated clock in my design, and like following: module prac ( a, b, rst_n, out ); input a; input b; input rst_n; output out; reg out; wire c; assign c = a && b; always @ (posedge c or negedge rst_n) begin if...
I get an ASIC design which contains many glitch free clock switch as follows picture. When I use auto gated clock conversion option, tool said that it's an unsupported cascaded clock so that tool can't convert it. Could someone have the experience to ...
Jaewon Oh and Massoud Pedram, "Gated clock routing for low-power microprocessor design", IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 715-722, June, 2001.J. Oh, M. Pedram, "Gated Clock Routing for Low-Power Microprocessor Design," IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol. 20, No. 6...