-gated_clock_conversion可将门控时钟信号变为使能信号,对于上图所示门控电路,Vivado可将其优化为下图所示电路。此时,clk_div_2被转化为使能信号连接到了下级触发器的使能端口,而下级触发器的时钟端口则与主时钟clk连接,从而移除了门控时钟。 在Vivado中,打开综合后的设计,可通过report_clock_networks显示所有时钟,包...
网络释义 1. 门控时钟 门控时钟(clock-gated)是降低时钟树功耗的有效方法,如图5 所示,门控时钟 根据使能信号开关模块的工作时钟,当模块空 … www.docin.com|基于2个网页
针对门控时钟,综合工具有专门的配置项-gated_clock_conversion和属性gated_clock,启用后会将门控时钟进行转换。 二、GATED_CLOCK 2.1 属性说明 门控时钟转换的配置,需先在Vivado中“Tools->Settings->Project Settings->Synthesis” 进行-gated_clock_conversion进行设置,可设置为off,on,auto,配置界面如下图。 编辑 ...
-gated_clock_conversion设置为off时的原理图1 上图中时钟pll_out是通过LUT2产生的,从硬件设计的角度看,不建议这样产生时钟,显得不够专业,这里我们将-gated_clock_conversion设置为off了,导致Vivado综合器即使看这个图不舒服,甚至还有点想笑,但也不会做什么~ -gated_clock_conversion设置为on时的原理图1 当我们将...
Clock-gated latch is arranged to reduce unnecessary power consumption due to conversion with level-conversion function one, enables signal enabling periodic adjustment by one by providing for an enclosed clock signal. One impulse generator (110) receives one first power supply supply voltage, generates...
A clock module is coupled in parallel to a number of data processing modules that are coupled in series. The data processing modules can be individually clock-gated. Each of the data processing modules can determine whether or not it can be placed into an idle state. To reduce power consumpt...
Original code is ASIC RTL who use clock gate to decrease power supply. Here the clock gated code: // Gated Clock Latchmodule gcw__ckltchand (TE,E,CP,Q);input TE;input E;input CP;output Q; wire EN_TE;reg CPEN; or or1 (EN_TE,E,TE); always @(EN_TE or CP)if(~CP) CPEN...
Original code is ASIC RTL who use clock gate to decrease power supply. Here the clock gated code: // Gated Clock Latchmodule gcw__ckltchand (TE,E,CP,Q);input TE;input E;input CP;output Q; wire EN_TE;reg CPEN; or or1 (EN_TE,E,TE); always @(EN_TE or CP)if(~CP) CPEN...
Double-edge-triggered (DET) flip-flops and the C-element gated-clock strategy is implemented in the delay buffer in order to reduce number of clock cycles and the dynamic power consumption. However an asynchronous data sampling is ... M Keerthika,M Ramya,S Udhayakumar - Research and Reviews...
计数器分频时钟 gated clock latch 更新时间:2024年12月15日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 实力供应商 已核验企业 在线交易 安心购 查看详情 ¥35.00/1 广东广州 儿童小闹钟可爱卡通闹铃男孩女孩学生专用宿舍床头桌面静音时钟 在线交易 见描述品牌 宿迁大野电子商务有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥41.00/...