论文地址:Gated Fusion Network for Single Image Dehazing 笔记参考:Gated Fusion Network for Single Image Dehazing 论文目的: 在dehaze的问题里,其需要解决两个问题,一个是由于大气光造成的颜色投射出现差异,一个是其传输过程中所造成的可视效果衰减。因此论文通过对原始图像进行处理,尽可能的分别恢复出其颜色投射、...
GFN "Gated Fusion Network for Joint Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution"byXinyi Zhang, Hang Dong,Zhe Hu,Wei-Sheng Lai, Fei Wang,Ming-Hsuan Yang(oral presentation on BMVC2018). arXiv Slide Supplementary materials There are more details you can find onProject Website : http://xinyizhang.tech...
GFN "Gated Fusion Network for Joint Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution" by Xinyi Zhang, Hang Dong, Zhe Hu, Wei-Sheng Lai, Fei Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang(oral presentation on BMVC2018). [arXiv][Slide] There are more details you can find on Project Website : http://xinyizhang.tech/bmvc20...
2.2. Gated Network Ren et al. proposed a gated fusion network (GFN) that learns a weight map to combine multiple input images into one by keeping the most significant features of them [18]. In their original work, they referred to the weight map as the confidence map. The weight map in...
2.2. Gated Network Ren et al. proposed a gated fusion network (GFN) that learns a weight map to combine multiple input images into one by keeping the most significant features of them [18]. In their original work, they referred to the weight map as the confidence map. The weight map in...