研究者首先提出了门控注意力单元(Gated Attention Unit, GAU),这是一个比 Transformers 更简单但更强的层。虽然 GAU 在上下文长度上依然具有二次复杂度,但它在下文展示的近似方法中更可取。 相关的层包括如下: 原版多层感知机(Vanilla MLP); 门控线性单元(Gated Linear Unit, GLU),它是门控增强的改进版 MLP ...
linear attention的递归结构显然没有这样的机制。因此,retnet主要的工作就是在linear attention上加入了选择遗忘机制,在一定程度上弥补了这一漏洞。Retnet即是带选择遗忘机制的linear attention与Chunk-wise block-parallel attention的结合的产物。 加入遗忘门最简单的办法就是在state前面乘上一个可学习的矩阵A\in R^{...
对于FLASH模型,首先要了解的是它分为两个部分,分别是GAU(Gate Attention Unit)和MCA(Mixed Chunk Attention)这两部分,其中的GAU就是它的内核,而MCA则是一个优化它的办法。就像一台车一样,GAU是引擎,ACM则是其它部分,这二者的组合使得这辆车有着超高的性能。文章的结构就是按照这两大块进行的,其中穿插着一些前置...
Recently, the gated attention unit (GAU) was proposed. Compared with traditional multi-head self-attention, approaches with GAU are effective and computationally efficient. In this CGA-MGAN: MetricGAN based on Convolution-augmented Gated Attention for Speech Enhancement, we propose a network...
基于Gated Attention Unit的Transformer模型(尝鲜版) 介绍 GAU-α:https://kexue.fm/archives/9052 GAU:https://kexue.fm/archives/8934 原始论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10447 评测 CLUE榜单分类任务结果 iflytektnewsafqmccmnliocnliwsccsl BERT60.0656.8072.4179.5673.9378.6283.93 ...
Qin et al. (2021) adopted the attention mechanism to focus on the reset gate and update gate of GRU which contain short- and long-term information, respectively, and named it the gated attention unit. Moreover, they further proposed a gated dual attention unit (GDAU), which fused the ...
Hence, we introduce Gated Attention Coding (GAC), a plug-and-play module that leverages the multi-dimensional gated attention unit to efficiently encode inputs into powerful representations before feeding them into the SNN architecture. GAC functions as a preprocessing layer that does not disrupt ...
Interactive Multimodal Attention Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation The conversational modeling module defines three different gated recurrent units (GRUs) with respect to the context information, the speaker dependency, and ... M Ren,X Huang,X Shi,... - 《IEEE Signal Processing Letters...
In this paper, we propose an attention aware bidirectional GRU (Bi-GRU) framework to classify the sentiment polarity from the aspects of sentential-sequence modeling and word-feature seizing. It is composed of a pre-attention Bi-GRU to incorporate the complicated interaction between words by ...
这部分与GAT不一样的地方就是采用了键值对attention和点积attention,而GAT只用一个全连接计算\phi,并且还没有用上附加值向量。 GATED ATTENTION AGGREGATOR 虽然多头部注意力聚集器能够探索中心节点与其邻域之间的多个表示子空间,但并非所有这些子空间都同等重要;某些子空间甚至可能不存在于某些节点。输入一个捕捉无用表...