are proportional to the quantity of the corresponding compound. When a complex sample is separated by GC-MS, it will produce many different peaks in the gas chromatogram and each peak generates a unique mass spectrum used for compound identification. Us...
The simultaneous peak identification by radiocarbon and flame ionization detection in the effluents from capillary gas chromatography is reported. A constant portion of the effluent is split off, the organic matter converted into CO 2 and the 14CO 2 monitored using an anthracene flow cell. ...
When a complex sample is separated by GC-MS, it will produce many different peaks in the gas chromatogram and each peak generates a unique mass spectrum used for compound identification. Using extensive commercially available libraries of mass spectra, unk...
Gas Chromatography is used extensively in forensic science. Disciplines as diverse as solid drug dose (pre-consumption form) identification and quantification, arson investigation, paint chip analysis, and toxicology cases, employ GC to identify and quantify various biological specimens and crime-scene ev...
Gas chromatography has several advantages in that it allows the identification and measurement of very low concentrations of drugs, even in a mixture of compounds; the technique is versatile in that both liquids and gas samples can be analysed. However, its disadvantages are that continuous analysis...
Leek odor analysis by gas chromatography and identification of the most active substance for the leek moth,Acrolepiopsis assectella . J Chem Ecol 15, 1847–1854 (1989). Download citation Received11 March 1988 Accepted07 September 1988 Issue DateJune 1989 DOI...
To conclude, this study demonstrates that the wine chemical identity of the seven estates considered in this study can be revealed directly from raw chromatograms, without any need for manual extraction of peaks or optimization of the choice of chromatography and ionic scanning. It is quite likely...
Gaschromatographyisaninstrumental methodfortheseparationandidentification ofchemicalcompounds. Slide1a Asampleis introducedintoaheatedinjector, carriedthroughaseparatingcolumnbyan inertgas,and detectedasaseriesofpeaksonarecorder whencomponentsleavethecolumn. ...
Introduction Gas chromatography (GC) is one of today’s most versatile and widely used analytical techniques. It is found in the laboratories of chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical facilities, quality control labs that analyze environmental, food, and beverage samples,research labs, and many ...
EA-IRMS: Reach higher chromatography peaks With the Thermo Scientific EA IsoLink IRMS System, laboratories have an automated, easy-to-use solution for elemental and isotopic analysis. With dedicated helium-saving technology and integration of temperature ramped gas chromatography, analyses are...