气相色谱法 以气体作为流动相的色谱法叫气相色谱法gas chromatography,GC 第一节第一节 概述概述 一气相色谱法的特点 气相色谱法具有高分离效能高选择性高灵敏度分析速度快和应用范围较广等特点。 1. 高分离效能 能分离组分极
This chapter discusses the measurement of peak area and deviation of sample composition in the quantitative analysis by gas chromatography (GC). Quantitative analysis can, in principle, be carried out on the basis of either peak height or peak area. The repeatability of peak area is much better...
or is jagged on the end, peak splitting and tailing can result. If the column is not properly positioned in the inlet or detector outlet, then peak area response can reduce, and peaks will broaden. Therefore, instrument manufacturers’ guidelines must be closely followed to avoid these issues....
第三章 气相色谱( gas chromatography) §3-2 色谱理论概述 (1)色谱术语:峰高与峰面积 • 峰高(peak hight):峰的顶点到峰底之间的垂直距离。 • 峰面积(peak area) :峰与峰底之间的面积。 图3-4 某组分的色谱图 第三章 气相色谱( gas chromatography) §3-2 色谱理论简介 (1)色谱术语:死时间与...
All inlet and detector gas paths for the GC-7860 gas chromatography can be controlled by an electronic gas circuit (EPC/EFC) to provide better retention time and peak area accuracy. Instrument users can set various parameters such as gas flow rate, shunt ratio, externa...
Peak Laboratories is the world leader in the design and manufacture of specialty gas chromatography systems. Our proven Mercuric Oxide and Flame Ionization (FID) detector technologies are used by many industries throughout the world.
The appearance time, height, width, and area of these peaks can be measured to yield quantitative data. Parts of Gas chromatography Gas chromatography is mainly composed of the following parts: Carrier gas in a high-pressure cylinder with attendant pressure regulators and flow meters ...
The peak retention time and area of the standard is compared to the test sample’s results to determine the unknown concentration. In GC, external and internal standards are commonly employed in order to ensure reliable quantification of the test sample. When known standards are run separately ...
The aim of every quantitative analysis is the determination of the original concentration of the analyte (C0) in the sample. The peak area (A) in a headspacechromatogramis proportional to the gas-phase concentration (A ∝ CG) and depends on the phase ratio (β). However, it depends not ...
pressure pulse: • reduces the solvent vapor volume • reduces the risk of inlet overload • tightens the sample band • may allow use of a 2 mm liner, reducing the active glass area If your chromatography is degraded by the pressure pulse, a retention gap may help restore peak ...