在IT服务管理(ITSM)领域,人工智能(AI)正逐步成为优化支持流程、提升效率与用户体验的关键驱动力。针对ITSM中的智能应用,Gartner发布了《Market Guide for Artificial Intelligence Applications in IT Service Management》的报告,对于目前市场上的ITSM智能实践进行了分析,本篇文章将结合国内的ITSM实践对该报告进行解读。 近...
参考链接 Market Guide for Artificial Intelligence Applications in IT Service Management Use-Case Prism:Artificial Intelligence for IT Service Desk (gartner.com) Leverage 4 Domains of AITSM to Evolve ITSM Tools and Practices (gartner.com)
现场服务和仓库支持(Field service and depot service support):结合传统现场支持和远程技术,解决复杂问题,覆盖无法获得现场支持的地区。IT服务和流程管理(IT service and process management):遵循行业认可的IT服务管理框架,如ITIL,提供结构化工作流程。关键流程包括事件管理、请求履行、变更管理、问题管理和服务配...
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A service desk is a help desk that is equipped with the resources for resolving service requests and problem calls.
Transparent governance models:Service management provides a definition of transparent governance models with clear responsibilities between the vendor and the client, including escalation procedures. This capability should include service desk capabilities to address technical requests (Levels 1, 2 and 3), ...
Use AI to innovate and improve the responsiveness, effectiveness and availability of core IT service management (ITSM) services. This Accelerator will help you construct an actionable strategy for the high-value application of AI to improve ITSM work. Associated Gartner Resources: Use-Case Prism: Ar...
He scoped and delivered IT automation and orchestration initiative primarily around IT systems management: OS patching, OS provisioning, regulatory and internal policy audit and compliance, integration to other systems (IDM/Service Desk/Asset Management). He provided governance/architecture for orchestration...
Weakness:Gartner said IBM’s ITSM offerings have limited appeal outside of its existing customer base because the vendor typically gears its pricing and marketing around selling Control Desk as part of a larger managed service outsourcing, operational management or IT purchase....
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