近日,Gartner发布2023年《DaaS魔力象限》报告(Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service),阿里云凭借旗下产品无影成功入围,成为目前国内唯一入选的云桌面厂商。 依托于阿里云遍布全球的基础设施,阿里云无影为客户提供丰富的桌面服务,以自研流化协议、自研硬件终端、全面的管控能力和开放的产品架构,提供云端一体、安全高效...
近日,Gartner 发布 2023 年《Daas 魔力象限》报告 (Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service),阿里云凭借旗下产品无影成功入围,成为目前国内唯一入选的云桌面厂商。 依托于阿里云遍布全球的基础设施,阿里云无影为客户提供丰富的桌面服务,以自研流化协议、自研硬件终端、全面的管控能力和开放的产品架构,提供云端一体、...
“生产力变革的时刻已到来,无影正通过端侧算力革命和大模型技术实现对学习、工作、生活的全方位重塑,让算力更贴近需求,让AI更懂用户。”阿里云无影事业部总裁张献涛表示,“未来10年,以云电脑为代表的终端云计算将成为云计算的新增长引擎。” 来源:Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Desktop as a Service, Stuart Downes,...
Desktop as a service (DaaS) has been presented as the scalable and secure solution for an increasingly remote workforce. Is DaaS living up to the hype and advancing as needed? One-Minute Insights on timely topics are available to Gartner Peer Community members. Sign up for access to over ...
In the Gartner® Critical Capabilities for Desktop as a Service Report, vendors were evaluated based on their product scores for four Use Cases: Remote Workers, High Security and Compliance, High Performance, and Custom, Enterprise Architecture. DaaS buyers can use this report to evaluate vendors...
部署虚拟桌面是一种有用的方法,可以让非受管设备上的用户使用一组应用程序,本质上是向每个人“投影”公司桌面策略。场内VDI正在让位于桌面即服务(DaaS,desktop as aservice),后者由大型超大规模云提供商提供,如AWS和Microsoft Azure。 远程浏览器隔离产品提供了另一个选项,特别是对支持web的应用程序访问进行隔离。这...
VMware has been positioned as a Leader in the inaugural Gartner Magic Quadrant for Desktop as a Service (DaaS)
Parallels named in the Honorable Mentions of the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service The Parallels team is delighted to announce that Parallels has been named in the Honorable Mentions of the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service. We believe this...
The 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for DaaS (Desktop as a Service) positions AWS as a Leader for the first time. Last year we were recognized as a Challenger. We believe this is a result of our commitment to meet a wide range of customer needs by delivering a d...
Desktop as a Service Magic Quadrant9/5/239/6/24 Desktop as a Service Critical Capabilities9/5/239/6/24 DevOps Platforms Magic Quadrant6/5/236/5/24 DevOps Platforms Critical Capabilities9/4/249/4/24 Digital Asset Management Magic Quadrant11/15/24 ...