Leader 2022 de Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring pour la 10e fois. Recevoir une copie gratuite du rapport
There are some limitations for sure, such as the lack of native mobile support (you can use responsive and progressive web apps, though), and the platform’s innate connection to the Oracle ecosystem can be a consideration, too, if you rely on a different stack. However, in many circumstan...
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Marketing Platforms. A graphical competitive positioning of Leaders, Visionaires, Niche Players and Challengers for Mobile Marketing Platforms
The digital experience platform market reflects the demand to manage digital experiences of customers, partners and employees. Use this Magic Quadrant to identify vendors that meet your needs across web, mobile and other digital channels. Included in Full Research ...
Verizon is a Leader in the Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Global WAN Services 18 consecutive times1 Recognized for Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision By Gartner definition, technology providers in the Leaders quadrant are performing well and maintaining a stable organization, with a clear...
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Observability Platforms, Gregg Siegfried, Mrudula Bangera, Padraig Byrne, Matt Crossley, 12 August 2024 This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document...
作者:吕品,天善智能联合创始人&运营总监;11年 IT 行业工作经验,7年商业智能 BI 工作经验;微软 2015、2016 MVP。(微信号:tianshanlvpin) 博客园曾用 ID:BIWORK。 如何看懂魔力象限 Magic Quadrant魔力象限以二维模型来阐述各个厂商、供应商的实力与差异,基于两个分析指标方向。
近日,全球咨询机构Gartner®发布 《Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms》报告,华为入选该象限,作为中国唯一入选厂商,华为已连续两年入选Gartner®企业低代码应用平台魔力象限。 华为云Astro低代码平台采取「一站式开发」策略,建设企业全生命周期数字应用,支持零码、低代码、高低码结合形式均...
GARTNER是Gartner的注册商标和服务标志。Magic Quadrant是Gartner, Inc.和/或其附属机构在美国和国际上的注册商标。爱立信在获得Gartner的许可后在本文中使用这些商标。版权所有,不得翻印。 资料来源:Gartner,电信运营商5G基础设施魔力象限,2023年2月22日;分析师Kosei Takiishi、Frank Marsala。
AI has become critical to Cisco’s UC portfolio, spanning Meetings, Contact Center, and Admin Portal, while the addition of Webex Go, a mobile solution seamlessly integrated with carriers, strengthens Cisco’s focus on innovation and scalability. Gartner says that this positions Webex UCaaS ...