Download this report to learn how Microsoft Azure cloud database management systems have helped to position Microsoft as a Magic Quadrant Leader. As per Gartner, the market is converging on a set of advanced capabilities resulting in a complex landscape ready to launch into the next wave of ...
Gartner 是 Gartner,Inc.和/或其关联公司在美国和国际上的注册商标和服务标志,Magic Quadrant 是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其关联公司在美国和国际上的注册商标,二者均已获准在本文中使用。保留所有权利。 Gartner 不对其的研究出版物中描述的任何供应商、产品或服务表示认可或赞同,并且不建议技术用户只选择具有最高评分...
1 Microsoft has been positioned as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms. For the third year, Microsoft is positioned furthest to the right for completeness of vision and furthest up in the ability to execute within the Leaders’ quadrant....
Gartner Magic Quadrant Microsoft 365 值得信赖,能够确保我们客户的数据安全,并提供创新的解决方案来解决他们面临的最大挑战。在 Microsoft 365 的客户采用方面,利用 SharePoint 支持的内容服务的用户已达到每月 2 亿多活跃用户。我们的客户每月都会添加超过 100 PB ...
1 Microsoft has been positioned as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms. For the third year, Microsoft is positioned furthest to the right for completeness of vision and furthest up in the ability to execute within the Leaders’ quadrant....
Learn why Microsoft was named a Leader in the2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Discover how Microsoft Power Automate has helped position Microsoft as a Leader for its ability to execute and completeness of vision. Download the report to learn how to: ...
微軟很榮幸被譽為首屆 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ 桌面平台即服務 (DaaS) 的領先廠商。Gartner 將 DaaS 定義為「由公有雲或服務提供商提供虛擬桌面」,並使用 DaaS 一詞去涵蓋各種雲端解決方案,如 Windows 365 和 Azure 虛擬桌面,以客戶熟悉的方式讓不同背景與技術專長的專家所了解。我們很自豪這些服務在產品生命週...
Microsoft has been named a Leader for the fifth year in a row in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud AI Developer Services. Learn more.
Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Application Servers-Gartner: Microsoft as a leader مقالة ١٥/١٠/١٤٣٠ هـ A new time, Microsoft is considered as a leader on this market by the Gartner group. A new proof of Microsoft’s c...
如同圖 1 的魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant™) 所示,Microsoft 獲選 2022 年魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant™) 統一端點管理工具領導廠商。圖中也顯示,Microsoft 在「執行能力」方面奪下榜首。此外,Microsoft 先前也獲選 2021 年魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant™) 統一端點管理工具領導廠商。 圖1:統一端點管理工具魔力象限 (...