Thomas Edison for kids: his life and ideas : 21 activitiesby Laurie Carlson (selected pages) Order here ) A Picture Book of Thomas Edisonby Alexandra Wallner (selected pages) Order here Thomas Edison, First Biographiesby Lola M. Schaefer (selected pages) Order here ...
If you are looking forfree materialsto use with your students you can probably find something useful here. Take a look around. It won't cost a penny. What Others Say AboutGarden of Praise Biographies for Kids 100+ Biographies of Famous People ...
Biographies for children. Biography of Thomas Jefferson for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Biographies for children. Biography of Helen Keller for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Biographies for children. Biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Biographies for children. Biography of Meriwether Lewis for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Rembrandt was very talented and studied with Lastman for six months and then moved back to Leiden and began to teach other artists even though he was only 22 years old. Upon his return to Amsterdam, he opened an art studio at the house of a famous art dealer. He became very successful...
Biographies for children. Biography of Abraham Lincoln for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Biographies for children. Biography of Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press, for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.
Biographies for children. Biography of the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for elementry and middle school students. Fun online educational games and worksheets are provided free for each biography.