The facts in this story were found in the bookLaura Ingalls Wilder: Storyteller of the Prairie (Lerner Biographies) Take the online test Online ActivitiesPrintable Activities Take the Online Testfor this BiographyPrint Testfor this Biography
He spent time on the coast of England and also in the state of Maine. Many of his paintings such as the featured painting in this lessonSailing the Catboatreflect the knowledge he gained of the sea and life on the coast. Breezing Up, A Fair Wind (detail) ...
Henri Rousseau (ahn REE roo SOH) was born in northwest France in the city of Laval. The home where the family lived was part of a tower which was fortification for a town. His "house" was hundreds of years old. He liked to draw and was determined to become an artist, but his paren...
Edward Hicks was a self-taught artist and painted for his own pleasure and for people in his area. He became an art teacher later in his life and lived to be 69 years old. He paintedThe Cornell Farmin the last year of his life. He identifies it as "An Indian summer view of the ...
Portuguese translationof this article. Spanish translationof this article. Take the online test A frequent question: "Who wrote this biography and when was it written?" Look on thisReference Citations Chart. Activities Online ActivitiesPrintable Activities ...
paper I'm working on. Thank you so much garden of praise! Samantha Hartig 2015-10-24 great helps alot for my bibliography go to this sight and you'll get what you NEED. thanks christina 2013-04-21 I can't believe this doesn't have William Clark ...
When George Washington was president, Jefferson was his secretary of state. Then he served as vice president under John Adams. Jefferson was elected the third president of the United States in 1801. His wife died 19 years before he became president, so there was no "First Lady".*Sometimes ...
Da Vinci used a painting technique calledsfumato(sfoo-MAH-toe). He described it as "without lines or borders". The subject of the painting is blended into the background so that it becomes one with the background. We see this in the Mona Lisa which is our study for this lesson. If ...
English Lesson Plan on Helen KellerThe Story of My Lifeonline book by Helen KellerVideosListen to a Book about Helen Keller There are many deafblind people in the world. There are 22,000 in Japan alone. Satoru Fukushima who lives in Japan lost his right eye's sight at age three, ...
She didn't plan the incident, but when it happened, she decided to stand up for her rights. She was tired of being humiliated*and treated unfairly. She was not the first black person to refuse to move on a bus, but when the event happened toher, civil rights*leaders knew they had ...