Collège Garden City CollegiateType : école Adresse : 711 Jefferson Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2V 0P7 Catégorie : éducation Lieu : Manitoba, Prairies canadiennes, Canada, Amérique du Nord Voir sur OpenStreetMapLatitude49,94252° ou 49° 56' 33" nord Longitude-97,14411° ou 97° 8' ...
America/Indiana/Tell_City America/Knox_IN America/Matamoros America/Menominee America/North_Dakota/Beulah America/North_Dakota/Center America/North_Dakota/New_Salem America/Ojinaga America/Rainy_River America/Rankin_Inlet America/Resolute America/Winnipeg ...
Category: recreation area Location: Wood, Ohio, Midwest, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude41.36248° or 41° 21' 45" north Longitude-83.66888° or 83° 40' 8" west Elevation212 metres (696 feet) OperatorCity of Bowling Green Open Location Code86HR986J+XC ...
the sculptures are lit up. The highlight here is a 100-foot-long glass sculpture suspended in a glass conservatory—one of his largest ever. Located at the base of the iconic Space Needle, you might want to buy a combined ticket for cost savings or get a Seattle City...
Winnipeg, Canada +1 A Big Shout Out To 马老师 黄老师 & 蒋课长 I was born in Shanghai and I have always dreamed of staying at the Garden Hotel one day and finally it came true. It was a great experience to stay there.We contacted 马老师 to book the stay and we received promp...