從溫尼伯機場前往Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City的交通指南 從溫尼伯國際機場(Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport)出發,前往Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City非常方便。機場距離花園城約有8公里,您可以選擇多種交通方式。最常見的選擇是搭乘計程車或共乘服務,如Uber或Lyft...
Travelodge by Wyndham Winnipeg Airport 1400 Notre Dame Avenue, 温尼伯, Manitoba R3E 3G5, CA显示地图 温德姆温尼伯格机场旅馆位于温尼伯圣詹姆斯,距离麦克菲利普斯街车站赌场和健康科学中心不到 5 分钟车程。 此家居型酒店距离马球公园购物中心 2.3 英里(3.6 公里),距离加拿大生活中心 2.4 英里(3.8 公里)。 酒店...
Winnipeg, Canada +1 A Big Shout Out To 马老师 黄老师 & 蒋课长 I was born in Shanghai and I have always dreamed of staying at the Garden Hotel one day and finally it came true. It was a great experience to stay there.We contacted 马老师 to book the stay and we received promp...
Journeystan Winnipeg, Canada1,146 contributions Full of beauty and inspirations We have never seen so many beautiful glass sculptural work until we visited Chihuly Garden. We appreciated all the art work as we walked through each gallery and toured the garden that was creat...
Video: Neil Young Plays ‘Pocahontas,’‘Mr. Soul,’ ‘Long May You Run’ & More in Winnipeg – Jan. 16, 2014 January 17, 2014 Watch: Savages Unleash Video for ‘Strife’ January 17, 2014 Listen: James Blake Debuts New Track During BBC Radio 1 Residency January 17, 2014 Shar...
从温尼伯机场前往Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City的便捷指南从温尼伯国际机场(Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport)前往Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City非常方便。机场距离酒店约有15公里,您可以选择多种交通方式。最常见的选择是乘坐出租车或使用共享出行服务,如Uber或Lyft,车程...