Learn about Ganymede in Greek mythology and his role in the myths of ancient Greece. Discover the story about Ganymede and Zeus in the literature...
1.Greek MythologyA Trojan boy of great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be his lover and to be cupbearer to the gods. 2.One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is the largest satellite in the solar system. ...
in ancient Greek mythology, a beautiful Trojan youth who because of his unusual beauty was abducted by Zeus and taken to Mount Olympus, where he became the favorite of Zeus and cupbearer to the gods. Around the fourth centuryB.C., a motif of the abduction of Ganymede by an eagle appears...
Ganymede (in Greek mythology)Ganymede (in Greek mythology) from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Ganymede (in Greek mythology) from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed
in Greek mythology en.wiktionary2016 显示算法生成的翻译 带有“Ganymede"的图片 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Ganymede"翻译成 古希臘語 变形 干 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 Glosbe 在波兰以♥制成 Tools 字典生成器 发音记录仪 批量添加翻译 批量添加示例 音译 所有字典 关于 关于格洛斯...
In Greek mythology Ganymede was a handsome Trojan prince who was carried off to heaven by Zeus in the shape of an eagle where he was appointed as cup-bearer of the gods. Ganymedes was also placed amongst the stars as the constellation Aquarius, his ambro
The meaning of GANYMEDE is a beautiful youth in classical mythology carried off to Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods.
It was named by Simon Marius (1614) after a lover of Zeus, who corresponds to Jupiter in Greek mythology. Ganymede’s average distance to Jupiter is slightly above 1 million kilometers or about 15 Jovian radii. Ganymede’s density is 1.9 g/cm3, typical of a 1:1 mixture of water ice ...
Ganymede is the largest Jovian moon and the largest moon of any planet in the solar system, including Earth. Ganymede is named after the ancient Greek character of the same name.
(Greek mythology) a Trojan boy who was so beautiful that Zeus carried him away to serve as cupbearer to the gods the largest of Jupiter's satellites Ganymede词源中文解释 特洛伊的年轻人被宙斯选为他的酒保(和情人),来自希腊语 Ganymedes,可能是一个非希腊名字,或者来自 ganymai “我高兴,我很高兴”...