It was named by Simon Marius (1614) after a lover of Zeus, who corresponds to Jupiter in Greek mythology. Ganymede’s average distance to Jupiter is slightly above 1 million kilometers or about 15 Jovian radii. Ganymede’s density is 1.9 g/cm3, typical of a 1:1 mixture of water ice ...
The surface of Ganymede, as revealed by Voyager and Galileo images, is composed of dark and... References and Further Reading Schubert G, Klemaszewsky J (2001) Ganymede. In: Murdin P (ed) The encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics. IoP, Bristol Google Scholar Download references Author in...
Schubert G, Klemaszewsky J (2001) Ganymede. In: Murdin P (ed) The encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics. IoP, Bristol Google Scholar Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations LESIA – Bâtiment ISO (n°17), Observatoire de Paris – Section de Meudon, 5, Place Jules...