gammarus pulex 读音:美英 gammarus pulex基本解释 钩虾;蚤状钩虾 分词解释 Pulex蚤属 gammarus pulex是什么意思 gammarus pulex怎么读 gammarus pulex在线翻译 gammarus pulex中文意思 gammarus pulex的解释 gammarus pulex的发音 gammarus pulex意思是什么 gammarus pulex怎么翻译 gammarus pulex的中文翻译 gammarus pulex的...
网络蚤状钩虾 网络释义 1. 蚤状钩虾 蚤状钩虾(Gammarus pulex)是一种小型(2-3公分左右)甲壳动物 ,属于端脚目 (Amphipoda)。对生活在野外的鱼类,蚤…|基于7个网页
Gammars pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) avoids increasing water temperature and intraspecific competition through vertical migration into the hyporheic zone: a mesocosm experiment. Aquatic Sciences 79: 45-55.Vander Vorste R, Mermillod-Blondin F, Hervant F, Mons R, Datry T. 2015c. Gammarus pulex ...
pulex: y = 3.015x−2.242, r2 = 0.94, P < 0.0001; P. rotundipennis: y = 0.190x + 1.508, r2 = 0.74, P < 0.0001) by measuring the length of 25 randomly chosen individuals which were then dried at 40 °C to constant mass and weighed. The length of P. rotundipennis was defined...
3) Gammarus pulex 钩虾 1. Lethal Responses Among Allozyme Genotypes ofGammarus pulexto Acute Exposure to Malathion; 钩虾等位酶基因型对马拉硫磷致死性响应研究 更多例句>> 4) crawfish hook 虾钩 5) Gammarus suifunensis 青海钩虾 1. Effect ofGammarus suifunensison the Growth of Two Strains of Ni...
葡萄牙文-英文字典 AGROVOC Thesaurus 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Gammarus pulex"自动翻译成 英文 Other, of a thickness not exceeding 0,15 mm Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Gammarus pulex"翻译成 英文 变形干 ...
pulex. The hypothesis that size assortative mating in Gammarus pulex is due to male-male competition was examined in three experiments. When males were given a choice of two mates they preferred to enter into precopula with the female that offe... R Elwood,J Gibson,S Neil - 《Animal ...
英文- 葡萄牙文 词典中的“gammarus pulex" 目前我们的字典中没有gammarus pulex的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Gammarus pulex"翻译成 葡萄牙文 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
A statistical procedure comprising principal component analysis and multiple regression has been applied to the in situ mortality response data for Gammarus pulex caged downstream of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) and a surface water outfall (SWO). The mortality and heavy metal bioaccumulation response...
pulex the first mate-guarding male fertilizes 90% of the eggs in a female's upcoming brood). This behavior is affected by several factors, especially molting and reproductive status, water currents, and the presence of predators. It has several potential costs, including reduced food intake, ...