pulex. Conductivity extremes had no species effect; overall leaf-shredding efficiency was significantly greater at low conductivity (250 S cm-1) than high conductivity (1870 S cm-1).An inspection of daily leaf disc consumption found that the two species showed significantly different leaf ...
16. Iversen TM and Jessen J (1977) Life-cycle, drift and production of Gammarus pulex L. (Amphipoda) in a Danish spring. Freshwater Biology 7: 287–296. 17. Johnson RK and Wiederholm T (1989) Long-term growth oscillations of Pontoporeia affinus Lindström (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Lake...
Habitat requirements and ecological niche of two cryptic amphipod species at landscape and local scales. Ecosphere. 2016;7:e01319. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1319. Stürzbecher C, Müller J, Seitz A. Coexisting Gammarus fossarum types (Amphipoda) in Central Europe: regular patterns of population dynamics and...
4 Gammarus pulex clade E 2.49 ± 0.37 0 13/05/2023 18 Gammarus pulex clade C 2.63 ± 0.43 0 12 Gammarus pulex clade E 2.71 ± 0.41 0 BOYohSP 51.564297; 6.930277 27/04/2023 10 Gammarus fossarum clade 2 2.82 ± 0.56 0 8 Gammarus pulex clade C 2.99 ± 0.74 0 12 Gammarus pulex clade...
Gammarus pulexcoexistencedetritivorescompetitionaquatic hyphomycetesfood preferencesThis paper continues to explore niche differentiation in Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus by analysis of their food preferences. Individuals from both species discriminated between leaf discs colonized by different fungal ...
pulex and G. fossarum by D. villosus is confirmed as no more native species have been found since 2004 between 0 and 5 meters in sites where they were previously abundant. Even though the decline of invertebrate richness was not observed in the littoral zone, our results suggest that the ...
(2005). An example of niche partitioning between Dikerogammarus villosus and other invasive and native gammarids: A field study. Journal of Limnology, 64, 85-88.Kley A, Maier G (2005) An example of niche partitioning between Dikerogammarus villosus and other invasive and native gammarids: ...
pulex and G. d. duebeni end in the competetive exclusion of the first species. These results support two theories: (1) G. pulex is able to compete succesfully with G. d. celticus and to expel the latter of its niche, and (2) G. d. duebeni is capable to invade freshwater and to...