这里还需要设置地面 Layer ,新增 一个名为Ground的Layer,然后将 Tilemap 的 Layer 设置为 Ground onGround = Physics2D.OverlapCircle((Vector2)transform.position + bottomOffset, collisionRadius, ground); onWall = Physics2D.OverlapCircle((Vector2)transform.position + rightOffset, collisionRadius, ground) |...
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Hangzhou, the main host city of the 19th Asian Games, initiated a symbolic beginning to the grand tournament as it commenced the celebratory torch relay on Friday. The flame, a beacon of fraternity, progress, unity and perseverance, is slated to travel throughout Zhejiang province, and return ...
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Playing idle games on Android is like running in your sleep - it still counts Updated by Jupiter Hadley and Ivan Spasojevic on September 26th, 2024- Added new games, and swapped out games no longer there. Tap, tap, tap! That's all you have to do when you choose to play idle games....
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