首先声明,本文不是GameMaker Studio 2的使用教程,而是关于如何使用使用教程的教程,至于为什么不在本文直接贴教程,不是因为我懒,而是因为官方教程做得太贴心,我写不出比官方教程更好的教程,我如果选择性的贴过来反而把人家教程碎片化了,不利于大家系统化的学习,况且最重要的学习能力是信息检索和动手能力,不是伸手能力,...
二、使用帮助文档 GMS 2 有一处非常贴心的改进在于教学和帮助文档,你可以在文件 (File)- 设置(Preferences)中选择用外部浏览器打开帮助(Use an external browser for help)。 这时,当你按下 F1,帮助文档会从浏览器打开,你如果足够细心就会发现其地址是本地 IP,这说明帮助文档是存储在本地的。 本地存储一是为...
Import your GameMaker: Studio projects directly into Studio 2 and have them ready to run in a matter of minutes. YoYo Account GameMaker Studio 2 uses your YoYo Account to provide a single login for all your game making needs. Tutorials ...
自学上手:初次接触GMS 2,您可能会被界面所吸引。点击“Tutorials”,这里有许多课程,如“我的第一款游戏 - D&D”。拖放操作让您无需编程即可制作游戏,轻松上手。完成课程后,您将能制作出自己的第一款游戏。学习文档:GMS 2提供详尽的文档,可设置为在外部浏览器中打开。按F1键可快速查找帮助文档,...
Buiding a Timberman Game in GameMaker Studio 2 In this tutorial, we will quickly build a Timberman clone for PC/Mac using GameMaker Studio 2. This is my first ever video tutorial and I hope to make future video tutorials more polished. Feedback in the comments section of this article or ...
GameMaker Studio 2 version: v2022.1.1.610 So I've been coding my own platformer, and I created an enemy that accelerates towards the player. Everything works as intended, except for one thing: if the player outruns the enemy to the point where the player leaves the enemy's initial aggro...
Get a running start on development in GameMaker Studio 2 with this course and learn the main essential aspects of the GameMaker Studio 2 interface. You will also learn how the main resources are used together to create a final game. Viewers also learn how to program using GML (the GameMaker...
Get a running start on development in GameMaker Studio 2 with this course and learn the main essential aspects of the GameMaker Studio 2 interface. You will also learn how the main resources are used together to create a final game. Viewers also learn how to program using GML (the GameMaker...
GameMaker Studio 2 is a cross-platform game engine developed by YoYo Games. It offers a streamlined development process so you can take your idea from concept to finished game. This series of GameMaker tutorials was written by two indie game developers, Nathan Ranney (@ratcasket) and Alejandro...
GameMaker Studio 2— no-code 2D & 3D game design tool RPG Maker— JRPG-style 2D game design software Godot— free and open-source game engine Unity— most popular game engine among smaller studios Unreal Engine— AAA game engine with superior visuals ZBrush— the all-in-one-digital sculpting...