它是 yoyogames 出品的 GameMaker Studio 系列引擎的最新一代。经常访问 indienova 的读者朋友应该不会对 GameMaker Studio 这个系列的引擎感到陌生,大家熟知的经典独立游戏名作 Nuclear Throne,Undertale、Downwell、Hyper Light Drifter,Crashlands、Hotline Miami,Nidhogg 等等都是利用这款引擎完成的。GMS2 定位则依然和...
This project-driven book teaches you to create games from start to finish while learning game design and programming principles using the GameMaker Studio 2 game engine and GameMaker Language (GML). And you can create an exciting portfolio to kick-start
GameMaker Studio2is a full version game only available for Windows, that belongs to the categoryPC games. More about GameMaker Studio 2 This game for Windows is available for users with the operating system Windows XP and previous versions, and you can get it in English. The game version is...
GameMaker Studio 2是GameMaker的最新、最强大的扛鼎之作! GameMaker Studio 2强大的功能,可以轻松将您的想法从概念转变为完整游戏!强悍功能,自在创作!GameMaker Studio 2是您游戏开发的不二选择!
首先声明,本文不是 GameMaker Studio 2 的使用教程,而是关于如何使用使用教程的教程,至于为什么不在本文直接贴教程,不是因为我懒,而是因为官方教程做得太贴心,我写不出比官方教程更好的教程,我如果选择性的贴过来反而把人家教程碎片化了,不利于大家系统化的学习,况且最重要的学习能力是信息检索和动手能力,不是伸手能...
GameMaker Studio 2 初体验:这篇文章将简要为大家介绍 GameMaker Studio 2 这款引擎(后文简称为 GMS2)。它是 yoyogames 出品的 GameMaker Studio 系列引擎的最新一代。 http://t.cn/Rims1nI
GameMaker Studio 2 初体验 引言 这篇文章将简要为大家介绍 GameMaker Studio 2 这款引擎(后文简称为 GMS2)。它是 yoyogames 出品的 GameMaker Studio 系列引擎的最新一代。经常访问 indienova 的读者朋友应该不会对 GameMaker Studio 这个系列的引擎感到陌生,大家熟知的经典独立游戏名作 Nuclear Throne,Undertale、...
“GameMaker basically taught me how to make games.” Carlos Azuaga (CZAzuaga) GameMaker 适合所有人 “Everything I know about programming I learned thanks to GameMaker. It was my very first coding experience and I'm glad I stuck with it. The GameMaker community is also vast and there's ...
Reactions: fireday2, FunnyGames, Lord KJWilliams and 65 others brian Knowledge Forager Jan 18, 2022 #2 Very welcome change regarding the versioning - and Feather is looking great! Excited to try it out. Reactions: StudioDigitalCaffeine Sad Friendly Helper Jan 18, 2022 #3 Intellisen...
"GameMaker: Studio caters to entry-level novices and seasoned game development professionals equally, allowing them to create cross-platform games in record time and at a fraction of the cost of...