The latest GameMaker Studio 2 update (2.1.5) has added a new collision mask kind to the Sprite Editor. This addition is the rotated rectangle collision mask and in this short tech blog we're going to show you how it works and at the same time revise the already existing collision masks...
GM Version: 2022.9.1.51+ or latest Long Term Stable Price: $2.99 Links: Itchio Version: 1.2 How to use: Just drop/create the object in a room and it works! It's a local package, so you must import it into GameMaker Features All the basic keyboard short cuts you would have in a no...
要在 Watch 窗口中添加变量,我们可以点击“Add new Watch ...”,然后键入变量的名称,或者右键单击其他窗口中的任何变量(本地,全局,实例,所有实例)和 然后选择“添加监视(Add Watch)”。请注意,如果您尝试观察当前超出范围的变量,则调试器将无法引用它(它将显示<无法评估(unable to evaluate)>)。 有时你会发现...
游戏开发工具 GameMaker Studio 2 的讨论小组 3 Linpean2017-07-06 声明:半吊子水平的自学程序策划,如有翻译不尽详细有错漏的地方,请以官方文档为主。 官方文档地址 GML语言概述内容: 1.1.基础编程结构(BASIC CODE STRUCTURE) 1.2.函数FUNCTIONS 1.3.脚本SCRIPTS ...
Build Games with GameMaker Studio 2Book © 2018 Overview Authors: Ben Tyers Includes ten full games to build using GameMaker Studio 2 The book's code is free to use in your own game projects, both free and paid Pushes your skills with extra features and add-ons to each game 4941 ...
[your GameMaker username]/ORsome newer macOS versions use/Users/[your Mac username]/Library/Application Support/GameMakerStudio2/[your GameMaker username]/instead. (Note that .config is hidden by default, so you need to open Finder and then press Shift + Cmd + . to toggle showing hidden ...
GameMaker Studio 2 allows users to write shaders in GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language), HLSL (High-level Shader Language, used when working with DirectX), and GLSL ES (a subset of GLSL which is common in mobile devices). In this tutorial, I will use GLSL ES as my shader language since it...
3. GameMaker Studio 2— no-code 2D & 3D game design tool Pricing: Starting from $39/year Level: Beginner to Intermediate GameMaker Studio 2 is another popular no-code game design software that is well-suited for novice game designers, indie developers, and professionals alike. It's excellent...
Visual Studio is required to be installed before you can build projects for Windows YYC or any of the consoles- see the target's own section below for specifics regarding which VS version to use. If you are usingSpineimages in your game, then GameMaker requires your files to be exported ...
GameMaker Cant put my sprite on to my room Hello guys, this is my first time in this forum and first time using any game making software ever. My problem is that I have created my sprite and my object as shown in this video How to Make an RPG in GameMaker Studio 2! but when I...