Game Theory by Ben Polak 12 00:59:48 I'm just sighted enough that I can't read my own writing.jpg 希言子按:I'm just sighted enough that I can't read my own writing. Game Theory by Ben Polak 13 00:17:59 Backward induction or Backwards induction.jpg Game Theory by Ben Polak 14 ...
其他的博弈都是不可信的 Backward induction 后向诱导 在这种的情况下,我们怎么计算子博弈的完美均衡呢? 思路就是,先从最低端开始寻找,然后一点点的向上寻找。 对于这个问题,我们可以使用上面的算法来求解。 不过对于零和问题,我们可以将问题进行简化。我们可以很轻易的衡量每一个节点的得失,因为是零和博弈,你的获得...
CSBR没有对应的均衡定义,而CBFR却可以对应sequential equilibrium(在完美信息下,两个更为熟知的算法叫forward induction和backward induction)总之,EGT告诉我们,好的均衡概念或者refinement应该能够找到Epistemic foundation。私以为(除了这一句,其他都是拾人牙慧)MWG的signalling和screening那章可以做反面教材。当然也可能我没...
Game Theory helps us i.e.War fare Comparative Statics比较静态 行为和结果随着游戏参数的变化而变化 此处X是kicker踢中左边的准确 性,当X增加的时候,在Equilibrium里面,他向左踢(瞄准左边)的概率实际上会减小,因为守门员会知道他擅长踢左,然后就往左当, ...
Game Theory as a Model Why Game Theory? Game theory can be viewed in terms of its mathematics or as a tool to model the interaction between decision makers. The word “game” is an apt one to describe this because, just as in common parlor games such as Chess or Hex, much of game ...
game theory12 博弈论 英文 IntroductiontoGameTheory Lecture12 Disclaimer:thispresentationisonlyasupportingmaterialandisnotsufficienttomasterthetopicscoveredduringthelecture.Studyofrelevantbooksisstronglyrecommended.Review BeerorQuiche ModifiedBeerorQuiche Summary •staticgames •perfectinformation:NE•imperfect...
Introduction to Game Theory Lecture 6 Disclaimer: this presentation is only a supporting material and is not sufficient to master the topics covered during the lecture. Study of relevant books is strongly recommended. • Dynamic games • Subgames • Backward Induction • Action vs. Strategy...
While sequential games are played by turn, simultaneous games are played with each player making their decision at the same time. With simultaneous games, we no longer use the common introductory method of backward induction. Proponents ofgame theoryoften tabulate the different outcomes in what is ...
game-theory1--博弈论-英文PPT课件 IntroductiontoGameTheory Lecture1 Disclaimer:thispresentationisonlyasupportingmaterialandisnotsufficienttomaster thetopicscoveredduringthelecture.Studyofrelevantbooksisstronglyrecommended..1 Introduction EconomicModelsGameTheoryModels Syllabus Games Summary •
Game theory, the study of strategic decision-making, can be used in many fields, including business, finance, and economics.