We provide eductive foundations for the concept of forward induction, in the class of games with an outside option. The formulation presented tries to capture in a static notion the rest point of an introspective process, achievable from some restricted preliminary beliefs. The former requisite is...
Gneezy [2000b], "Cognitive Forward Induction and Coordination with- out Common Knowledge: Theory and Evidence," University of Pittsburgh and Technion Working Paper.Blume, A., Gneezy, U., 2000b. Cognitive forward induction and coordination without common knowledge: Theory and evidence. University of...
博弈论 前向归纳法 forward induction Thekeyinsightofextensive-formanalysisisthatout-of-equilibriumbeliefsdetermineequilibriumbehavior.Forinstance,considerthesimpletwo-stageentrydeterrencegameinwhichapotentialentrantwhethertoenteramarketorstayout,andtheincumbentdecideswhethertofightoracquiesceaftertheentrant’smove.TheNash...
Order-of-play effects are less evident as complexity of the game increases. Extensive form presentation appears to induce sequential thinking even in simultaneously played games. 展开 关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ game theory/ order-of-play forward induction presentation effect two-...
Abstract This paper provides experimental evidence on the power of forward induction arguments in a 2×2 coordination game. Allowing one player the option of obtaining a certain payoff instead of playing the game coordinates play in the direction predicted by the forward induction argument. However,...
Forward inductionLearning and evolution in gamesWe provide a taxonomy and brief overview of the theory of learning and evolution in games... WH Sandholm 被引量: 7发表: 2008年 Towards a New Learning This position paper introduces the idea of a 'new learning' which brings together elements of ...
Signaling, forward induction, and stability in finitely repeated games In a finitely repeated two-person game, suppose that after a deviation by player i from the path P in period t there is only one continuation path Q in which player i's payoff from period t on is higher than it is ...
•歸納(Induction):一葉知秋,見微知柱;從小處歸 納出一個大觀. •直觀(Intuition):尚未被證實的理論. •啟發(Heuristics):從既有經驗所獲得的規則. •Generateandtest:不斷的嘗試,從錯誤中學習. ExpertSystemssstseng3 •Abduction:從已成立的結論往回推論,以 ...
前向链结( forward chaining ).ppt,Expert Systems sstseng 7.1演繹與歸納( Deductive and Induction ) 演繹( Deduction): 藉由前提假設而推論出結論 歸納(Induction): 一葉知秋,見微知柱; 從小處歸納出一個大觀. 直觀(Intuition): 尚未被證實的理論. 啟發(Heuristics):
Keywords: epistemic game theory; backward induction; forward induction; algorithms 1. Introduction The ideas of backward induction and forward induction play a prominent role in the literature on dynamic games. Often, terms like backward and forward induction reasoning, and backward and forward ...