The Interpreter pattern(解释器模式)(224) 4. Machine code, virtually(机器代码,实际上)(228) 3. The Pattern(模式)(230) 4. When to Use It(何时使用它)(231) 5. Keep in Mind(记住)(232) 1. You’ll need a front-end(你需要一个前端)(232) 2. You’ll miss your debugger(你会想念你的... 7.1 我们曾经相遇过 View Code 7.2 救星: 有限状态机 有限状态机(FSM)可以看作最简单的图灵机 整个状态机可以分为: 状态,输入和转换 你拥有一组状态,并且可以在这组状态之间进行切换 状态机同一时刻智能处于一种状态 状态机会接收一组输入或者事件 每一个状态有一...
I’m here to help! Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns I found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. This is the book I wish I had when I started making games, and now I want you to have it. It’s available in four formats:...
“Component”, like “Object”, is one of those words that means everything and nothing in programming. Because of that, it’s been used to describe a few concepts. In business software, there’s a “Component” design pattern that describes decoupled services that communicate over the web....
《Game Programming Patterns》[Robert Nystrom] (译) [壹] 本书PDF 下载链接:Game Programming Patterns.pdf 简单说说翻译原则: 说人话 传达作者的情感,所以有些内容采用了国人的思考方式。 翻译内容仅仅是作者自己学习使用,如果对你产生了帮助,不胜荣幸。 1. Architecture, Performance and Games Before we ...
这篇文章起源于《Game Programming Patterns》第二章第六节。 这是一篇略长的文章,约5200余字,将分析游戏开发过程中状态模式与有限状态机的运用,已经非常了解相关内容的高端选手请略读。 文中使用C++承载讲解内容,文章末尾也提供了Unity&C#版本的代码实现。
The state pattern, which closely resembles Strategy Pattern, is a behavioral software design pattern, also known as the objects for states pattern. This pattern is used in computer programming to encapsulate varying behavior for the same object based on its internal state. ...
Game Programming Design Patternsteaches you 15 essential design patterns that will streamline your game’s codebase. Each chapter introduces a new pattern and shows you how to implement it in both pure C# code in Unity. Author Harrson Ferrone explains a pattern’s building blocks in a way that...
Game Programming Pattern
State Design Pattern(状态设计模式)(217) 4. Strategy and Planning(策略与规划)(219) 1. Strategy(战略)(219) 2. Planning(规划)(220) 10. USER INTERFACES(用户界面)(224) 1. Menu Systems(菜单系统)(225) 1. Menu Stack(菜单堆栈)(225) 2. Buttons(纽扣)(226) 3. Typing(打字)(227) 2. HUD ...