HPV16,66型引起的外阴肛周鲍温样丘疹病伴巨大尖锐湿疣1例 患者女,49岁.外阴丘疹,肿块7年.有"尿毒症"病史16年,14年前行"肾移植术",长期服用免疫抑制剂.现用免疫抑制剂治疗.皮肤科检查:外阴及肛周泛发有多个大小不等粉红色,外观呈巨大团块状菜花样增生物,其中肛周增生物如成人双拳大小,有少量伴恶臭的淡黄色液体...
The aim of the article is to demonstrate the use of the Laplace transform to the evaluation of consols' present value under different streams of returns (dividends). Consols (or perpetual bonds, perpetuities) are bonds with no maturity, which means that interest is paid to a bondholder perpet...
目的调查了解乳腺癌患者药物依从性现状及与心理韧性的关系.方法抽取新疆地区4所三甲医院乳腺外科212例女性乳腺癌患者为调查对象,采用药物依从性量表和心理韧性量表进行调查,使用回归法分析心理韧性对药物依从性的影响.结果 212例乳腺癌患者中,药物依从性高,中及低的患者分别是60(28.30%),124(58.49%)和28例(13.21%)....
摘要: 日前,老蛙宣布推出一款全新的电影镜头7.5mm T2.9 Zero-D S35.新镜头是一款非常小巧轻便的电影镜头,尺寸为80.7mm,重量为610g.新镜头的光学系统由10组16片镜片组成,配有两片超低色散(ED)镜片和两片非球面镜片.光圈由七个叶片组成.同时,新镜头具有29mm的像场关键词:...
The invention aims to provide a shock absorptive support structure in a coupler improved not only in economical efficiency but also in practical usefulness so that a shock due to relative displacement of a top plate and support brackets occurring in vertical direction as well as in back-and-forth...
It is analyzed that consumers realized differentiated value choice on seasonal destination for honeymoon. MDS is applied to provide the marketers with the framework to develop marketing strategy for destination positioned in the mind of consumer and make products efficient to create and keep the ...
Chinese hot-dip galvanized coil export prices remain on a downward track on poor overseas demand and weakeningdomestic prices. Platts assessed 1.0mm DX51D HDG at $470-475/metric ton FOB on Monday, down $8/mt from earlyMay. One export trader said offer prices were generally at around $475-...
摘要: Five security vendors—cisco systems, check Point, IBM, McAfee, and Symantec—have spent more than $3.7 billion over the past two years acquiring companies and products to support their vision of holistic threat management. This frenzy stems from the spurious notion that your entire infrastr...