Peronospora hyoscyami f.sp. tabacina Peronospora tabacina Peronosporaceae Peronosporales peroral perorally perorate peroration perorational perorator perovskia perovskite peroxidase peroxidation peroxide peroxide blond peroxide blonde peroxidic peroxidize ...
hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina to systemic fungicides metalaxyl, iprovalicarb, azoxystrobin and dimetomorph. in that way isolates from several tobacco growing regions in the provinces of holguín, ciego de ávila, cienfuegos, matanzas, la habana and pinar del río were collected. the floating ...
peronospora hyocyami f. sp. tabacinatobaccothe germination capability of peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina was assessed along the incubation period and latency. sporulation and infective capability and the sporulated area on different blue mold sensitive and resistant tobacco varieties were also ...
Blue mould [Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky 1964] is one of the most important foliar diseases of tobacco that causes significant losses in the Americas, south-eastern Europe and the Middle East. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the mechanisms employed by ...
Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky烟霜霉病菌PCR试剂盒 运输:低温 保存:负20度 有效期:一年 货期:2-3周 产品及特点 1.即开即用,用户只需要提供DNA/RNA样品。 2.根据烟霜霉病菌保守序列设计的专一性引物,与相关病毒无交叉反应。
英文名称:Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky PC Plasmid-Primers-TaqMan Probe Set 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month 其他: 产品介绍:收起 Order Online在线订购 订货信息 产品名称 * 申请类型 * 套数 * 推荐人 真实姓名 * 邮寄地址 * 所属单位 电子...
英文名称:Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky SYBR LAMP Kit 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month 其他: 产品介绍:收起 Order Online在线订购 订货信息 产品名称 * 申请类型 * 套数 * 推荐人 真实姓名 * 邮寄地址 * 所属单位 电子邮箱 * 联系电话 * 联系...
Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky|烟霜霉病菌PCR试剂盒 基本信息更多信息 中文名称:烟霜霉病菌PCR试剂盒 中文同义词:烟霜霉病菌PCR试剂盒 英文名称:Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky ...
Nicotiana exigua was highly resistant to Peronospora hyoscyami f.sp. tabacina, not immune as previously reported. N. exigua escaped infection due to run off of infection droplets from the waxy adaxial epidermal surface and because the sporangia that remained on the leaves usually produced ...
The development of water-soaked and necrotic lesions on leaf disks of Nicotiana tabacurn after infection by Peronospora hyoscyami f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky was followed by time-lapse cinematography. Water soaking was first observed 5 h after inoculation, while the first necrotic lesion ...