If a contract is three years in duration, with a start date of July 1, 2023, the anniversary dates would be July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025. We label these anniversary dates as they are contractually committed. While this contract would be up for renewal on July 1, 2026, our ACV...
total, we have reduced our global headcount by 8 % of the workforce since the start of the program. The reductions are managed locally on the operative group level with a focus on informing affected employees first, and then carried out with compassion, respect and integrity towards those ...
- EOL dates for Alpine, macOS, Mageia, OmniosCE, and Solaris 11 - Support for Solaris svcs (service manager) - Enumeration of Solaris services ### Changed - ACCT-9626 - Detect sysstat systemd unit - AUTH-9230 - Only fail if both SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS and SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS are undef...
AMY HOOD:Thanks, Karl. Maybe I’ll start and then, Satya, you obviously should add on to the commentary. I would point you, Karl, really to some of the things Satya mentioned and we said in our comments. We did see some deceleration, a point a little more than we had expected in ...
The performance in the quarter, combined with the strong third quarter, overcame the weather-related slow start to the year and resulted in a revenue increase of 7% year-over-year for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. While construction gross profit increased year-over-year for the ...
Join upcoming Tech Talks: BI sessions: - Wed. May 31st 8AM Pacific - New Fabric Community and Blog with Ryan Majidimehr, Senior Program Manager, Azure Data - Wed. June 7th 8AM Pacific - AMA with Amir Netz, Technical Fellow, Azure Data ...
Note: The ITR-U filing deadline for the FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23) is 31st March 2025.Filing Income Tax Return Due Dates for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25)There is a different category of taxpayer viz. Individual, HUF, Firm, LLP, Company, Trust and AOP/BOI. Due Date is different ...
We are excited to announce the newFY23 Tech Talks: BIpartner community call series will be open to all partners interested in Business Intelligence. We have been working to bring you a refreshed BI Partner Program experience and provide you with resources to c...
To access the audio webcast and download the 2023 FY results presentation, please go to the Investor section of the Company's website:Investors | Asa (asa-international.com)oruse the following link:https://brrmedia.news/ASAI_FY23 The presentation can be downloaded before the start of the we...
SQL>createtabletest012(3col1number,4col2number,5col3 date,6col4varchar2(30),7col5varchar2(100)8);Tablecreated SQL>--创建自增序列SQL>CREATESEQUENCE seq012STARTWITH13MAXVALUE999999994MINVALUE05CYCLE6CACHE107ORDER; Sequence created SQL>--创建随机数据插入存储过程,其中col1列单调递增createorreplace...