While the strategy of selling PSVR 2 as an add-on to PS5 customers seems straightforward, the reality is Quest is a competing device with most of the same games and a cheaper price point. That means that even PS5 owners might see the Quest as the better value… unless PSVR 2 has a st...
Investors in large-capdomestic stocksshouldn't despair since the DJIA rebounded nearly 40% by the end of the second quarter. This isn't enough to break even to where we started the year; that would need a gain of 54%. The index is still down year-t...
elif test "$cudaver" -lt 110 ;then cuarch=30 #compute_30 is the minimum version else cuarch=50 #compute_50 is the minimum version fi CUDAOPT+=" -lineinfo " CUDAOPT+=" -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets" CUDAOPT+=" -arch=compute_$cuarch" #CUDAOPT+="-Xptxas=-v -dlcm=cg" ...
Having said that, the formula does not cause my version of Excel to crash, regardless of the values entered in range A3:E3. Alternatively, you could try using the MAP function in place of BYCOL: =MAP(A3:E3;LAMBDA(val;INDIRECT(val))) If this is still causing Excel to crash, you ...
I've encountered the same issue while using Realm, but didn't face this problem when I switched to Drift. It appears to be related to a pointer error, although I haven't been able to debug it in-depth. As my application is still in the early stages of development, I've successfully...
If you do, please post it here, using the advice from Posting a Crash Report. Still, looking at that backtrace my best guess is that your crashing due to a memory management problem. My advice is that you run your app with the standard memory debugging tools to see if they can help ...
Platelet inhibition with aspirin is the cornerstone of medical therapy for coronary artery disease. In the era of percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents, dual anti-platelet therapy with the addition of clopidogrel (Plavix©, Bristol-Myers Squibb, New York, NY) became the main...
If you are still experiencing these issues, it would be helpful to us if you could gather the debug description of the MusicDataRequest.Error being thrown. There is some information in that error that should help us investigate the root cause of the bad server response. Thank you very much...
That is, other work asks whether subsidy-giving is good for governments in aggregate and how governments can improve their subsidy grants. In contrast, we provide initial evidence on which of the firms that receive subsidies meet specific goals set during the subsidy-granting process. This ...
with referencing other workbooks in a formula. When the workbook being referenced is moved, excel cannot find the file location even when I update the formula with the new file path or select the file to copy from. I've searched for answers and I understand that this ...