Fork of the fvcom-toolbox (original available at - fvcom-toolbox/doc/fvcom_prepro/wrf2fvcom_U10V10.html at 235bf61fd63683f59ccea4896d639e06d088452d · pwcazenave/fvcom-toolbox
clear all; close all; clc; addpath (genpath('./toolbox/')); addpath(genpath('./netcdf/')); inputfile=load('./data/inputfile.dat'); %质点文件 (lon lat sigma) % Set mesh/bathymetry files meshfile = './data/chc_grd.dat'; bathfile = './data/chc_dep.dat'; lagfile = './out...
The fvcom-toolbox is a collection of matlab and fortran90 scripts for the purpose of preparing and postprocessing data from the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model. These include: scripts for preparing input files for FVCOM (wind forcing, open boundary forcing, river forcing, etc.) scripts for...
简单粗暴的FVCOM建模:读取NC文件的工具包 MATLAB工具包:NCTOOLBOX 在处理大气海洋的数据时,nc、grib(grib2)等文件格式尤为常见,直接利用MATLAB自带命令如ncread读取时经常出现卡顿现象,这是由于调用了大量内存读取整个变量导致,但实际上我们尝尝只会用到该变量的一段数据,这个工具包可以用来解决,另外这个包还有联网等一...
fvcom-toolbox-master_海洋模式_fvcom3.2.1下载_fvcom_ 用于海洋数值模式FVCOM,输入输出文件的制作,包括小工具以及相应nc文件制作 上传者:weixin_42691388时间:2021-10-02 sms数据转换.rar_dat2sms_fvcom_sms;_数据_数据转换 把数据转换成sms数据格式的pathon程序 ...
fvcom-toolboxHu**猎人 上传2.54 MB 文件格式 zip Fork of the fvcom-toolbox (original available at https://.com/GeoffCowles/fvcom-toolbox) 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 blog-mybatis 2025-03-19 05:27:28 积分:1 CPP 2025-03-19 05:18:29 积分:1 ...
fvcom-toolbox怎么**还在 上传717.28 KB 文件格式 zip A collection of Matlab post- and pre-processing tools for the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 QuestionnaireSurvey 2025-03-09 18:27:16 积分:1 ...
example_mean.m Repository files navigation README MIT license matFVCOM A MATLAB toolbox for dealing with FVCOM Required toolbox: KML (required for creating kml/kmz files) Optional toolbox: Mapping (MATLAB built-in) Siqi Li, SMAST 2022-11-16About...
Fork of the fvcom-toolbox (original available at - History for doc/fvcom_prepro/read_sms_mesh.html - pwcazenave/fvcom-toolbox
addpath (genpath('./toolbox/')); addpath(genpath('./netcdf/')); inputfile=load('./data/inputfile.dat'); %质点文件 (lon lat sigma) % Set mesh/bathymetry files meshfile = './data/chc_grd.dat'; bathfile = './data/chc_dep.dat'; ...