The fvcom-toolbox is a collection of matlab and fortran90 scripts for the purpose of preparing and postprocessing data from the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model. These include: scripts for preparing input files for FVCOM (wind forcing, open boundary forcing, river forcing, etc.) scripts for...
example_mean.m Repository files navigation README MIT license matFVCOM A MATLAB toolbox for dealing with FVCOM Required toolbox: KML (required for creating kml/kmz files) Optional toolbox: Mapping (MATLAB built-in) Siqi Li, SMAST 2022-11-16About...
addpath(genpath('./fvcom-toolbox-master')); % inp.dir_0 = fullfile(pwd, '01__Data'); % inp.dir = fullfile(inp.dir_0, 'homework'); fig.dir = fullfile(pwd, '02__Figure'); tp = dir('*.nc'); file_names = {'', 'homework_0002.n...
Matlab toolbox 安装 去DHI官网下载最新的MikeSDK2014与Matlab toolbox,下载好后安装MikeSDK2014,注意电脑上不能有其他版本的Mike软件。 安装成功后进入解压缩后的Matlab toolbox文件夹MatlabDfsUtil内,运行脚本MatlabDfsUtilBuild.bat,若脚本成功运行,则Toolbox安装成功。注意检查SDK安装路径与MatlabDfsUtilBuild.bat中内...
GeoffCowles/fvcom-toolbox - A collection of Matlab post- and pre-processing tools for the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) frohro/PSK31-Simulation-Octave-Matlab - This is a model modulator/demodulator for the PSK31 digital communications protocol to try out various algorithms. friend0...
check forpoly2ccwmapping toolbox function inkml2struct fix formsh.plot()on log colormap when plotting f13 attributes Deleted Deprecatingmsh.CheckTimestep()formsh.bound_courant_number. Added error message and instruction in the CheckTimestep help ...
GeoffCowles/fvcom-toolbox - A collection of Matlab post- and pre-processing tools for the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) frohro/PSK31-Simulation-Octave-Matlab - This is a model modulator/demodulator for the PSK31 digital communications protocol to try out various algorithms. friend0...