SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. " CHECK_TCODE INPUT Once this is activated you will the screen fields(Event Date and Event Location): You can also look at any document created and see those fields heldin BKPF or VBKPF. Adding custom to many SAPscreens follow the...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, Good day to you, We are using SAP ECC 6.0 EHP 7. Our customer requirement is that when document parked via FV60 T-code, We need F4 search help of Personal number in line item column. Search help is available but it is only showing two ta...
SAP Managed Tags: Security I Have also actived F_LFA1_BEK in FV60 by SU24, but the same problem: FV60 does not check authorization F_LFA1_BEK : All objects checking in FV60 (by ST01): S_TCODE F_BKPF_BUK F_BKPF_KOA S_CTS_ADMI F_SKA1_BUK F_BKPF_GSB F_FAGL_SEG S_ALV_...
0 Kudos 209 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Can anyone help ? Want to upload AP document from excel by using LSMW with transaction FV60. (Park only) Is it workable as FV60 is an enjoyable screen ? Or there's another tcode for same purpose ? thanks a lot, Reply All...
日本技术人才(SAP业务)-base日本 - K 博彦科技 计算机软件 已上市 更换职位 职位关闭 阿里妈妈-Java研发(电商)-北京 - K· 薪 阿里集团 互联网 已上市 更换职位 职位详情 北京 1-3年 不限 Java C/C++ Java开发经验 日语 招聘WEB开发专家;擅长VBA工具的人才;可以使用Java or VBA人才;擅长VB、COBOL、C...