然后再创建exit,输入exit的名字后保存,发现状态栏报错’User exit U_001 not declared in form pool YAF_SUBEXIT‘ 提示要在YAF_SUBEXIT中定义exit U_001. 2.4 定义exit 2.3 中的YAF_SUBEXIT是怎么来的呢?YAF_SUBEXIT是copy标准程序RGGBS000,并通过Tcode GCX2配置的, Tcode: GCX2,可以看到GCX2中替代配...
But if i enter same entry by Tcode F-43 with Special G/L indicator 'T' , system is not giving any message and can completed entry successfully. Why system not accepting SGL Indicator 'T' in FB60. What to do If i want SGL Indicator 'T' in FB60, Is ther any Configuration changes...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Financial Supply Chain Management, FIN (Finance) Dear All, In Tcode FB60, There are two Transation like Invoice and Credit Memo, similarlly in FB65 also there are two Transactn like Credit Memo and Invoice. Now i want only one transactn "Invoice" in FB60 so th...
The SAP supplier invoice creation is a straightforward process in SAP FIORI interface, with a dedicated transaction that is named the same way:...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development MIRO used to post the incoming invoices with the reference to PO. FB60 is pure FI T-code and is used when we are paying electricity bill, telephone bill etc, direct to Vendor. Reply Former Member In response to former_member1126263 2022 Sep 15...
" CHECK_TCODE INPUT Once this is activated, you will see the screen fields(Event Date and Event Location): You can also look at any document created and see those fields held in BKPF or VBKPF. Adding custom fields to many SAP screens follow the same procedure. Knowing how to do this...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) HI Experts, This is regarding T-code FB60 and FB01. Scenario 1: we have a document posted 123 for vendor 111 in FY 2021. I am trying to post a same document # 123 with all the details once again, if i post through FB60 i won't get a warning...
The SAP supplier invoice creation is a straightforward process in SAP FIORI interface, with a dedicated transaction that is named the same way:...
SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Hi, Can anybody let me know how the screen layout of TCode= MIRO, FB50, FB60, FB70, FB65, FB75 etc. is changed? I want to add the column "COMMITMENT ITEM" during posting with the above Transaction Code. ...
Goto SMOD tcode ->Utilities->give the package name and F8 then a list of exits will display for that tcode as well as that package. u can check the table MODSAP u can check the table MODACT check for this exit in FB01 RFEPOS00 Line item display: Checking of selection conditions Re...