SAP菜单路径: SAP菜单->会计->财务会计->应付账款->凭证输入->凭证预制-〉FV60预制/编制发票 本单元测试的变量清单 变量编号 标题 1 2 3 4 每个测试变量另起一页 变量编号1–详细描述 测试数据 数据类型 数据值/编码 描述 备注 供应商 X1001
FB60 保存之后是过账凭证 FV60 保存的是预制凭证 FB60 保存之后是过账凭证 FV60 保存的是预制凭证。凭证又称会计凭证,是指能够用来证明经济业务事项发生、明确经济责任并据以登记账簿、具有法律效力的书面证明。它可以分为两大类:即原始凭证和记账凭证。所谓原始凭证,又称单据,是在经济业务事项发生或...
Some SAP clients need extra information added in to a standard SAP process. Here we’ll explore how to add custom fields in the header areas of t-codes FB60 and FV60. FB60 is for posting vendor invoices and FV60 is for parking vendor invoices. In this sample, we’ll be adding in ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi master. I have a huge problem trying to find where the transaction FV60 save the BELNR number after i saved it. I use the button BP, park document, i followed all the logic, but the XBKPF and BKPF get filled without the BELNR number. In addit...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, Good day to you, We are using SAP ECC 6.0 EHP 7. Our customer requirement is that when document parked via FV60 T-code, We need F4 search help of Personal number in line item column. Search help is available but it is only showing two ta...
SAP Managed Tags: Security I have activated the object "F_LFA1_GRP" im my transaction FV60 by SU24. When I execute FV60, it does not check this object and it does not call another tranasaction to check the object, for exemple FBV3 call FV63 witch control and check this authoriza...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi All, Can somebody explain me what is the difference between FB60 and FV60. I know FB60 is for posting the vendor invoices and FV60 is used for parking vendor invoices.Is this the only difference?
3、熟悉SAP HR的增强(Enhancements)、用户退出(User Exits)和BAdIs(Business Add-Ins),能够基于这些机制进行高级定制开发。 4、理解HR模块中的信息类型(Infotype),熟悉HR模块中使用的逻辑数据库,如PNP(人的信息)、PCH(组织数据)等;来自BOSS直聘5、熟悉HR模块的业务流程,如员工入kanzhun职、离职、薪资计算、绩效考...
SAP ABAP实施顾问 全国 - K MTC 计算机软件 未融资 立即沟通 职位详情 上海 5-10年 本科 WMS TMS 物流信息化软件 任职资格 : 1. 本科及以上学历,信息管理、物流管理、计算机及相关专业; 2. 3年以上物流行业经验,有跨物流领域的从业经验,熟悉TMS/WMS业务领域;有从事物流BOSS直聘仓储行业的经验优先。 4. 有使...