(keyWordFile) , "UTF-8"); //去除空格和换行符 String keyWords =...两种结果的区别:使用BufferedReader是一行一行的读取,随后使用StringBuilder添加,所以是没有换行符的,而IOUtils是直接将整个文件的内容转成了字符串,所以也包括了换行符。...字节流可用于任何类型的对象,包括二进制对象,而字符流只能处理字符...
Large language models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence (AI) tools specifically trained to process and generate text. LLMs attracted substantial public attention after OpenAI’s ChatGPT was made publicly available in November 2022. LLMs can often answer
Specifically, keywords with a minimum frequency (n = 5) were included in the analysis, and co-occurrence was calculated based on a pairwise comparison method. This systematic approach ensured the meaningful representation of thematic relationships within the dataset, guided by insights from ...
The near future of customer care on social media appears to be more efficient and far-reaching. In a recent review on the future of customer relationship management, Haenlein (2017) describes “invisible CRM” as future systems that will make customer engagement simple and accessible for customers...
Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Background of virtual private LAN services 3. Flat VPLS 4. Hierarchical VPLS 5. VPLS technical aspects 6. VPLS operational aspects 7. Evolved VPLS solutions 8. VPLS applications and projects 9. Lessons learned and future work 10. Conclusion CRediT authorship contributio...
Keywords You are required to provide 1 to 7 keywords for indexing purposes. Keywords should be written in English. Please try to avoid keywords consisting of multiple words (using "and" or "of"). We recommend that you only use abbreviations in keywords if they are firmly established in the...
Keywords Android, Espresso2, Dagger2, DI, Mock, Mocking, jUnit4, AndroidTesting, RxJava, Retrolambda, TestSynchronization Overview In this simple code I would like to focus on Espresso2 with Dagger2, especially on usage of Espresso’s IdlingResource and mocking Dagger2 dependencies in tests. Wh...
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Outcome Intensive care unit PICS PICS-F ICU design Architecture NeuroestheticsDownload PDF Collection The future of Intensive Care Medicine Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction The burden and long-term consequences ...
Abstract The use of mathematical modeling to represent, analyze, make predictions or providing information on data obtained in drug research and development has made pharmacometrics an area of great prominence and importance. The main purpose of pharmacometrics is to provide information relevant to the ...
[13]. These systems can help detect leaks and problem areas quickly, potentially saving electricity and other precious resources. In order to save additional resources, cities can consider grassroots initiatives, like farmer’s markets and community-supported agriculture. Urban farming is a simple ...