# java# concurrency# asynchronous Last Updated: September 8th, 2023 Was this article helpful? You might also like... Asynchronous Pub/Sub Messaging in Java with NATS JetStream Concurrency in Java: The Executor Framework Concurrency in Java: The synchronized Keyword Concurrency in Java: The volatile...
// Count the number of web pages having the "CompletableFuture" keyword. CompletableFuture<Long> countFuture = allPageContentsFuture.thenApply(pageContents -> { return pageContents.stream() .filter(pageContent -> pageContent.contains("CompletableFuture")) .count(); }); System.out.println("Number ...
// Count the number of web pages having the "CompletableFuture" keyword. CompletableFuture<Long> countFuture = allPageContentsFuture.thenApply(pageContents -> { return pageContents.stream() .filter(pageContent -> pageContent.contains("CompletableFuture")) .count(); }); System.out.println("Number ...
What is deadlock in Java? Deadlock describesa situation where two or more threads are blocked forever, waiting for each other. ... A Java multithreaded program may suffer from the deadlock condition because the synchronized keyword causes the executing thread to block while waiting for the lock...
java.util.concurrent.Callable;importjava.util.concurrent.Future;importjava.util.concurrent.FutureTask;publicclassMatchCounterimplementsCallable<Integer> {privateFile directory;privateString keyword;privateintcount;publicMatchCounter(File directory, String keyword){this.directory = directory;this.keyword = keyword...
//使用StringBuilder更快,但不安全,因为此处只有读,所以不影响 StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); String...= null) { buffer.append(keyWord); } //去除字符串中的空格 String keyWords = buffer.toString...s = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(keyWordFile) , "UTF-8"); //去除空格和换...
// Count the number of web pages having the "CompletableFuture" keyword. CompletableFuture<Long> countFuture = allPageContentsFuture.thenApply(pageContents -> { return pageContents.stream() .filter(pageContent -> pageContent.contains("CompletableFuture")) ...
out.println("Number of Web Pages having CompletableFuture keyword - " + countFuture.get()); 2. CompletableFuture.anyOf() CompletableFuture.anyOf() as the name suggests, returns a new CompletableFuture which is completed when any of the given CompletableFutures complete, with the same result....
A CompletableFuture is executed asynchronously when the method typically ends with the keyword Async By default (when no Executor is specified), asynchronous execution uses the common ForkJoinPool implementation, which uses daemon threads to execute the Runnable task. Note that this is specific to Co...
rec.iniEventKeywordlibFromdb(); //ini wordlib in writeToIndex(); //ini word_stopword not need //cb3 ini map_Renva4problem this.inimap4Renva(); //prob renva fenlei map 180ms // renvaEventC rec = null; System.out.println("--start ini renva envent db finish"); ...