为了解决这一问题,我们提出了一种新的多模态两阶段方法(multi-modality two-stage approach)——FusionRCNN,该方法可以有效地融合感兴趣区域(region of Interest, RoI)中的点云和相机图像。FusionRCNN以统一的注意机制自适应融合了来自激光雷达的稀疏几何信息和来自相机的密集纹理信息。具体来说,首先利用RoIPooling得到...
Remarkably, FusionRCNN improves the strong SECOND baseline by 6.14% mAP on Waymo and outperforms competing two-stage approaches.Xu, XinliDong, ShaocongXu, TingfaDing, LiheWang, JieJiang, PengSong, LiqiangLi, JiananRemote Sensing
MRI based detection and classification of brain tumor using enhanced faster R-CNN and Alex Net model The brain tumor is the accumulation of anomalous cells in certain brain tissues. The diagnosis of a brain tumor requires high precision, where minute human judgment errors can lead to disaster. ...
在一个分离的线程中,RGB帧通过Mask R-CNN被处理,并且检测被过滤并与现存地图匹配(3.2节)。当没有匹配出现,新的TSDF物体实例被创建,固定大小,并添加到地图中用于局部跟踪,全局图优化和重定位。在未来的帧中,关联的前景检测被融入到物体的3D“前景”掩膜中,包含语义和存在概率(3.1节)。 3.1 TSDF物体实例 我们的...
Liu, M., Shan, S., Wang, R., Chen, X.: Learning expression lets on spatio-temporal manifold for dynamic facial expression recognition. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1749–1756 (2014) Lucey, P., Cohn, J.F., Kanade, T., Saragih...
to r In the current study, we addressed some of the gaps mentioned above. Focusing the methodology on the routine clinical practice in PE care, we combined key clinical and laboratory data along with the imaging data. In order to make the proposed models robust and generalizable, we paid spe...
The ResNet-R &H can achieve a testing accuracy of 97.6%, which demonstrates a significant enhancement of 4.0% and 7.2% compared to the distinct utilization of hyperspectral data and RGB data, respectively. Overall, this research is significant in providing a unique, efficient, and more accurate...
To overcome this challenge, we employ a specialized Convnext-V2 backbone based Mask RCNN model pre-trained for instance segmentation tasks. Our empirical findings affirm that the proposed model exhibits commendable performance in identifying stenotic lesions. Notably, our approach achieves a substantial...
This project is the official implementation of 3D Dual-Fusion: Dual-Domain Dual-Query Camera-LiDAR Fusion for 3D Object Detection. We added the proposed modules to CenterPoint and TransFusion in NuScenes dataset and Voxel-RCNN in KITTI dataset. built on mmdetection3d, OpenPCDet, and Det3d. If...
other stable nuclei. This reaction simulates fusion, where two stable nuclei slam together to produce a new nucleus. Figure5shows a schematic view of this reaction, from which it can be seen that the new solution is a random point generated in the reaction space using\(r\)and\(1-r\)....