(2)疑点重重的全自动抠图鼻祖:CVPR 2019 - A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting(LFM) 然而如果不考虑trimap而直接对一张图片进行抠图,那么就是以hard 模式去求解抠图问题了。而最近一两年在视觉顶会CVPR中就有一些这样的论文在进行探索。 A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting(LFM)这篇文章是我看到的首篇...
This is the github project for our paper A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting. We provide the supplementary material of our paper here. Sorry for the inconvience but due to Alibaba's policy we cannot share our human matting dataset currently. Code, Model & Clarification You can download the...
[作者回应][CVPR2019][A Late Fusion...Matting]信息门下跑狗 (>﹏<)你说的都是对的111 人赞同了该文章质疑文章:这里作者的回应:这里 @Yunke Zhang———非常感谢大家对本栏目的猛烈关注,引发大家热烈而友好的讨论。热心的知乎群众给本栏目带来了各种猛烈的私信(处理了...
《A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting》论文阅读 《A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting》论文阅读 1.摘要 2.相关工作 3.本文方法 3.1方法总览 3.2分割网络 3.3融合网络 3.4训练的细节 实验结果 论文地址:A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting 1.摘要 本文研究了深度卷积神经网络的结构,通过以单个RGB...
Semantic human matting (SHM)MMRGB✓humanSequential two-step CNNGithub[U] Active matting (ActiveMatting)NeurIPSRGB-Click✗objectOne-stage RNN- 2019A late fusion cnn for digital matting (LF)CVPRRGB✓object Sequential two-stage CNNGithub
Context-Aware Image Matting for Simultaneous Foreground and Alpha Estimation [ICCV]paper Indices Matter: Learning to Index for Deep Image Matting. [ICCV]paper Disentangled Image Matting [ICCV]paper A Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting [CVPR]paper ...
This shop made the custom grille for a 1969 Camaro starting from the original component, created using a laser scanner (after using matting spray and markers), and fully redesigned it. Then, the component was divided into several main parts, to be properly printed using FDM ME, painted, and...