Fusion 360 创建功能从草图(第1-4页)说明书
Hello there fellows! I give up any second... If i press the XY origin to sketch at it does not snap onto the body. If i press the top of the body
Whenever you create a 2D sketch in Fusion 360 and then extrude it into a 3D shape, you automatically create a body. The keyword about a body is that it has to be continuous. Take a cube and cut it in half, and you now have two bodies....
此步骤中使用的脚本是 SpiralSpline 和 SpiralSweepSolids ,可在此处找到https://github.com/sterlingcrispin/Fusion360API/ SpiralSpline .py 第一个草图是通过点创建API样本从Sketch样条线改编而来的,其想法是从像样条线这样的简单元素开始,并开始增加一些复杂性。 第6行: 导入数学库以获得三角函数 import math 作...
AutoDesk Fusion 360 基本草图创建教程说明书 Lesson: Basic sketch creation Generative Design study’s starting shape by creating a sketch.Learning Objectives •Create a spline.•Use Intersect.•Use Project.•Create a linked dimension.The completed exercise Lesson: Basic sketch creation Page | 1 ...
Also klicke ich auf Sketch und gehe zu Circle. Und sie wollten diesen Mitteldurchmesser Kreis dagegen tun. Klicken Sie einmal darauf, und ich werde in die Mitte meiner Welt gehen und ich werde den Fluch einer schnellen ziehen, und ich werde noch einmal klicken, um meinen Kreis zu er...
Lesson: Model c reation topics when modeling for Generative Design.Learning Objectives •Create a fully dimensioned and constrained sketch.•Create a 3D model using features.•Modify a model with fillets and chamfers.•Use surfaces to create or patch complex shapes.The completed exercise Page...
Sketch Dimensions1 Skizze28 Skizze 3D Körper erstellen2 Skizze erstellen4 Skizzenbemaßung2 Skizzenelemente2 Skizzenmodus1 slicer2 Software1 Software Upgrade1 Sohlenkonstruktion1 Speichern4 Spiegeln1 Spindelachse1 Spinner1 spirale2 spline1 splines2 STARTING PROBLEM1 Start...
Desktop Makesin Social Media Subscribe To My Newsletter and get your free Sketch Constraints PDF Get your free Fusion 360 Constraints PDF and create designs that don't break when you need to make a change to your model! Subscribe and Get Your Free PDF here!
After creating construction geometry, the following warning appears. Projected lines won't extrude cut even though they form a blue highlighted area and getting warning message in the Fusion 360. Warning: The objec...