问题: 拉伸草图后,草图在Fusion 360中将变为不可见。 如何在拉伸后重新打开草图可见性? 解决方案: 要永久启用“打开草图可见性”,请执行以下步骤: 在屏幕右上角找到您的帐户图标。 拾取首选项。 选择“设计”。 取消选中“自动隐藏草图”框。 要查看其工作方式,请观
在SketchUp中查看时,Fusion 360模型的透视图似乎与同一模型不同。 原因:这是由于Fusion和Sketchup之间使用的透视焦距不同。在Fusion的“模型”工作空间中,焦距始终约为90 mm。 解决方案:在Fusion中,可以更改“焦距”在渲染工作空间中,而不是在“模型”工作空间中。您还可以将模...
Fusion 360 创建功能从草图(第1-4页)说明书
https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-chan-pin-ji-shu-ying-yong-tao-lun-qu/fusion-360-ban-ben-ge... 2021年1月-12月的版本更新说明请查看: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-chan-pin-ji-shu-ying-yong-tao-lun-qu/fusion-360-ban-ben-ge... 2...
At the end of this class, you'll have a better understanding of how sketches work in Fusion 360, and how to use them to their best potential. 主要学习内容 Learn how to maximize your use of the Fusion 360 sketch environment Learn how to produce Fusion 360 sketches that can ...
*ARCHIVED - OUTDATED INTERFACE* Fusion 360 Tutorial: Sketch Move, Copy, and Scal1 0 2024-07-18 02:01:44 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞 投币 收藏 分享 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdhVKDzxb9s 知识 设计·创意 设计 零基础 视频教程 教程 CC...
An introduction to the sketching user interface, how to create basic shapes and a base profile, and an introduction to the modify tools. Type: Tutorial Length: 9 min. Tutorial2 min. Move and copy designs between projects and hubs Fusion ...
This is an Autodesk Fusion 360 add-in for generating Voronoi diagrams. Once created, a Voronoi diagram is inserted into a sketch and then may be used for creating or modifying models.It's possible to select an existing sketch, a sketch profile, or one of the (XY, XZ, YZ) construction...
Show Sketch Dimension, worked on your file. Edit Sketch Dimension can be done in 2 separate working environments, Modelling Window and Editing sketch window. To add new dimensions, you need to be editing the sketch. Might help... Report 0 Likes Reply Message 16 of 18 jhackney1972 in...
Hey everyone Welcome back to DesignEnginereed. Today we learn how to create a basic 2D sketch. Commands used in the tutorial: Lines, Circles, Dimension, Construction lines, Trim, and TangentStep 1: Was this tutorial useful? Like Details Skill level: Beginner Steps: 1 Created: October 17th,...