问题: 在Fusion 中尝试将草图实体约束到线的中点时,捕捉到中点的选项永远不会弹出。 解决方案: 若要选择中点,请按住 SHIFT 键并将光标悬停在要约束的直线上。 此信息是否有用? 是否需要帮助?请求助 Autodesk 助手! 助手可以帮助您找到答案或联系支持人员。 求助助手 您享有什么级别的支持?...
問題: Fusion 360で円柱上に単一行テキストを彫り込む方法を説明します。 原因: 単一行テキストは、4軸または5軸マシンを使用して円柱面上に刻む必要があります。 解決策: 次の方法で、円筒に単一線テキストを彫刻します。 テキストを含む円柱面上に接平面を作成し...
Fairly new to this but ive got everything up and running in metric motors tuned and accurate etc etc but i make a simple object in fusion 360 do the CAM with toolpaths and save the file. I import it into MACH 4 and everything is just a huge line or just none existent i cant seam...
When you try to install Fusion 360, you see the following error message: "-2147024894, 'The system cannot find the file specified." The installation log has the following line at the end of the file: _ctypes.COMError: (-2147024894, 'The...
Introduction to FEM Simulation and simulation of a simple single part 10:53 23. FEM simulation of an assembly 7:11 24. Manufacturing (CAM) in Fusion 360 8:29 25. Drawing in Fusion 360 & Credits 6:41 Beginner level 489 Students -- Projects About This Class Learn CAD Design...
your fusion 360 model follow these easy steps. open the model in fusion 360, select the file menu, then export and save as a f3d or f3z file to your hard drive. then use the attachments section, of a forum post, to attach it. john hackney, retired did you find this post ...
We will be sure to keep you posted on our progress towards support of Apple’s new line of chipsets. - * While much of Fusion 360 works as expected under Rosetta 2, we discovered that some Fusion 360 components were not yet compatible. If you run Fusion 360 usi...
Nathan Hurst
72b). Thus in welding the solidification rate is greatest on the weld center line where θ1 =0°. At this point the temperature gradients are shallow because of the large distance from the welding heat source. The liquid pool shape determines the columnar growth direction as well as the ...
The bottom line is that SE Community Edition is a far more capable and powerful CAD package than any version of Fusion 360. This does come with a steep learning curve, but it is worth it. The only advantage of Fusion is its inclusion of CAM capability (I think that 2.5 axis milling ...