Vibram Technology More Technology VIBRAM MEGAGRIP Discover more The high performance rubber compound that offers unparalleled grip properties on both dry and wet terrains. VIBRAM TRACTION LUG discover more Vibram Traction Lug is the innovative, new design concept that focuses on the key element...
Vibram Technology More Technology VIBRAM MEGAGRIP Discover more The high performance rubber compound that offers unparalleled grip properties on both dry and wet terrains. VIBRAM TRACTION LUG discover more Vibram Traction Lug is the innovative, new design concept that focuses on the key element...
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.
智能提问 还有其他鞋底材质的瑜伽鞋吗? 还有其他适用性别的瑜伽鞋吗? 货期多久?多久能发货? 产品有质保吗? 支持一件代发吗? 发货地在哪里? 公司地址在哪里? 质量怎么样? 有优惠吗? 有现货吗? 安徽宏霸机械设备有限公司 3年 来样定做来图定制包工包料OEM真实性核验 主营商品:无肩带、羽绒服、包顺丰、英国...
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.
对于Vibram的认识来自于户外鞋底的那个黄色的logo,而后入手了几双五指鞋。慢慢的也喜欢上赤足的感受,不过在日常中五指鞋还是有些突兀。所以V家的包裹鞋就是一个极不错的选择。 如果是初次接触,我想每个人的感觉都会是一样的:奇怪的外型。不过上脚之后我们会发现无比的贴合轻巧。而其设计的灵感来自于日本的传统日式...
在Vibram官网的分类里,Furoshiki被分在了“休闲旅行”一栏里(如下图)。虽然穿上这么一双“姨妈巾”的鞋子出街回头率一定相当的高,但其实这双鞋还是更适合室内健身。 另外值得注意的一点是,这双鞋不分男女款,只需要选好尺码就行。鞋子的尺码是按照XS-XL这样的分类来的,并不像五指鞋那样区分尺码。由此可见,在Vib...
Vibram FUROSHIKI 2018新品风吕敷裹布男款包裹鞋运动户外休闲鞋 18MAD08黑色牛仔 42 ¥598 去购买 开箱及外观展示 ▼ ▽包裹鞋的包装盒,虽然强度一般,但是心思花了不少。包装盒上有Vibram的LOGO,有“fivefingere ”代表五指鞋的字眼,有一个大脚印图案和众多小脚印底纹。
购买包裹鞋的原因很简单,需要一双备用鞋,也想尝试一下五指鞋,但没有勇气,所以先包裹鞋过度一下.Vibram Fivefingers的核心是橡胶外底: 薄且轻,符合人体工程学,让双脚自由地移动,感受大地的质感,户外动感十足.但…
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.