VIBRAM MEGAGRIP Discover more The high performance rubber compound that offers unparalleled grip properties on both dry and wet terrains. VIBRAM TRACTION LUG discover more Vibram Traction Lug is the innovative, new design concept that focuses on the key element in traction - the shape of the...
VIBRAM MEGAGRIP Discover more The high performance rubber compound that offers unparalleled grip properties on both dry and wet terrains. VIBRAM TRACTION LUG discover more Vibram Traction Lug is the innovative, new design concept that focuses on the key element in traction - the shape of the...
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.
Vibram FUROSHIKI包裹鞋男 情侣旅游运动便携魔术贴透 天猫 ¥528.00 去购买 在日本的文化中,风吕敷是指将一块布变成一个包裹。所以包裹鞋也可以理解成是一个整体。穿着的时候由鞋底延伸出来的两侧包裹双脚并以魔术贴的方式粘合。那么即便存在脚形上的差异,同一双包裹鞋都能适宜的贴合。加之轻便的外型带来了舒...
Vibram is well-known for its innovative shoe design and incredible footwear soles. Learn about Vibram's technology and shop today.
VibramFUROSHIKI包裹鞋男情侣旅游运动便携魔术贴透气休闲鞋女 比上次低15% 商品好评率98% ¥738 去购买 小结 总之,我认为Vibram的包裹鞋是一个可以替代五指鞋的好选择。但同时,它对穿着者也有一定的要求。如果你平时习惯在家赤足行走,那么你可以轻松地适应这双包裹鞋。如果你不习惯赤足,或者有平足的问题,我建议你...
▼▽Vibram Furoshiki 包裹鞋名称中“Furoshiki”,中文翻译为“风吕敷”,在日本文化中指的是将一块布变成一个包裹,用来提拿和携带各色各样东西的传统。而Vibram Furoshiki 包裹鞋的日本设计师桥本雅也正是从日本传统的包裹布上得到灵感,包裹鞋因此得名。不过话说回来了,这种用整块布包裹物品的方式,在过去的中国不是...
智能提问 还有其他鞋底材质的瑜伽鞋吗? 还有其他适用性别的瑜伽鞋吗? 货期多久?多久能发货? 产品有质保吗? 支持一件代发吗? 发货地在哪里? 公司地址在哪里? 质量怎么样? 有优惠吗? 有现货吗? 安徽宏霸机械设备有限公司 3年 来样定做来图定制包工包料OEM真实性核验 主营商品:无肩带、羽绒服、包顺丰、英国...
🏃小结 这包裹鞋轻巧耐磨,回归本性的极简赤足,满足我对跑步所有幻想,也是现在厚底时代的一股清流。出差狗们,让我们轻装上阵,一起脚勤吧! 京东 VibramFuroshiki风吕敷情侣包裹鞋女便携旅游运动休闲鞋轻便赤足鞋红色41 比上次发布低12% 商品好评率97% ¥798 去购买 认证...