Furanose ring conformations in a 1′-alkynyl C-nucleoside and the dinucleotideAlkynylriboseC-NucleotidePuckering conformationPseudorotationA large-scale synthesis was carried out for alkynyl C-nucleotide oligomers in order to clarify the structural details of the artificial DNA. A liquid-phase synthesis ...
furanose Advertisement Definitions(1) Word of the Day Advertisement / fy r′ə-nōs′ / Any of a class of simple sugars (monosaccharides) that has a ring containing four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom (a furan ring). Fructose and ribose are furanoses....
The meaning of FURANOSE is a sugar having an oxygen-containing ring of five atoms.
a monosaccharide sugar containing a five-membered furan ring Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a li...
furanose 英['fjʊərənəʊs] 美['fjʊrəˌnoʊs] n.呋喃糖,五环糖 网络五环糖;呋喃糖 双语例句 1 . Since 0 - 4 is blocked by attachment of the second D - glucopyranosyl unit, afuranosering cannot form. 因为O -4 通过与第二个D - 吡喃葡萄糖单元连接而被保护, 环不...
The furanose ring A adopts a oT4 conformation. The fused dioxolane ring B and the substituent dioxolane ring C also have twisted conformations. There are no strong hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure: only weak CHO contacts are present, which link the molecules to form a three-dimensional...
英['fjʊərənəʊs] 美['fjʊrəˌnoʊs] 是什么意思 n. 呋喃糖,五环糖; 英英释义 Furanose A furanose is a collective term for carbohydrates that have a chemical structure that includes a five-membered ring system consisting of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. The ...
D-xylofuranose derivativesThe reactivity of the oxetane ring in 3,5-anhydro-1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-a-D-xylofuranose (1) was exemplified by its regiospecific nucleophilic opening. The action of concentrated hydrobromic or hydroiodic acid on 1 resulted in the exclusive formation of the 5-deoxy-5...
CIL-DLM-2303-0.25-0.25GL-酪氨酸-N-T-BOC, O-BZ ETHER (RING-D4, 98%) CIL-NLM-1906-0.25-0.25GL-酪氨酸-N-T-BOC, O-BZ ETHER (15N, 98%) CIL-NLM-2025-0.1GL-丝氨酸-N-T-BOC, O-BZ ETHER (15N, 98%) CIL-NLM-2329-0.25-0.25GL-脯氨酸-N-T-BOC (15N, 96%) ...
英文: Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is a novel oligonucleotide analogue in which 2 O and 4 C positions in the b D ribofuranosyl ring are joined via an O methylene, S methylene or amino methylene moiety, locked in a C3 endol 3E north (N) type furanose conformation.中文: 锁核酸 (locked...