The ratios of the furanose to pyranose ring forms in the monosaccharides were 1:1.7 for arabinose, 1:1.2 for galactose and 1:99 for glucose. The method has been used to detect furanose and pyranose ring forms in the reducing units of two disaccharides of galactose and arabinose. Thus, ...
PYRANOSE-FURANOSE AND ANOMERIC EQUILIBRIA INFLUENCE OF SOLVENT AND OF PARTIAL METHYLATION1 W. M A C K I EA~ND A. S. PERLIN Prairie Regional Laboratory, National Research Coz~ncilof Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatclzewan Received April 25, 1966 Sugars possessing the arabino (2,3,4-trans,cis) ...
Oligosaccharides with glucose or mannose units at the reducing ends occur primarily in the pyranose ring form. An interesting observation is the finding that the reducing units which carry substituents linked by 伪-glycosidic linkages occur in a higher percentage in the furanose ring forms than ...
Gunson, Diane E.Leigh, John S.McDonald, George G.Elsevier LtdTrends in Biochemical SciencesPrince RC, Gunson DE, Leigh JS, McDonald GG (1982) The predominant form of fructose is a pyranose, not a furanose ring. Trends Biochem Sci 7:239–240...
The saccharide preferably contains a pyranose ring or furanose ring of the formula Also a method of controlling fertility in men or male animals comprises administering thereto a 6-chlorodeoxy-saccharide as defined above.
In solutions, both aminosugars are conformationally unstable and establish equilibria, with 90.7% α-pyranose, 3.8% α-furanose, 1.0% β-pyranose, 0.5% β-furanose, and 4.0% acyclic keto form for 1 and 32.4% α-furanose, 27.2% α-pyranose, 21.0% β-pyranose, 9.1% β-furanose, and ...