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I was out for the evening to a party and had more than several margaritas coupled with a bottle of rather nice red wine. It was held at a great Mexican restaurant. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was slightly over the limit. That's when I did something I...
Red Bull Joke Redneck Blonde JokesPopular Pick Roofing Nails Joke Round of Drinks Joke Sea Captain Joke Seaside Carnival Joke Selling A Car Joke Sexiest Blonde Jokes Sexy Blonde JokesPopular Pick Sheppard and the Blonde Joke Sleeping On The Floor Joke ...
And Deeper Jokes And References That Went Over Your Head In 'Zootopia' Also ranks #2 on 14 Villains Who Messed Up Their Own Plans By Monologuing 13 The Goonies Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen 332 votes "It's our time down here!" Young or old, it's impossible not to root for ...
Funny Jokes Funny NamesYou may have to work on deciphering the problem with one or two of the names. For instance, Guy struggled with Dwayne Pipe until Will helped with the unusual ‘r’ stress on the ‘w’. I will say no more in case I deprive you of pleasure from working out the...
209 - What do you call a man with a kilt over his head ? Scott !...More ›› 210 - Q: What does K-mart stand for? A: Kuz Mexicans Are Rich Too...More ›› 211 - Q: Where do you find 60 million french jokes? A: In France...More ›› 212...
THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY insect JOKES:1 - What do you get if you cross a spider and an elephant ? I'm not sure, but if you see one walkin... More ›› 2 - What did one centipede say to the other centipede ? You've got a lovely pair of legs, You've go... More ...
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