My phone rings again, I pick up. Me:“Thank you for calling—” Customer:“—THIS ISN’T MY PROBLEM! THIS ISN’T MY PROBLEM!” I hang up and don’t answer her next three attempts to call before she finally gives up. Check The Whole Message, Check The Checkbox, Check Yourself Employ...
My mom and I like to read both Not Always Right and Reddit. We enjoy the people-behaving-badly stories in a trainwreck sort of way. At one point, I commented to my mom that all of that seems to be a result of modern entitlement, and when I was growing up, a lot of those storie...
The day before I went back to work, I had to stop by the store to pick up some paperwork before a meeting. I was not super happy; I had to go to a last-minute meeting on my day off. I was also not dressed well. I had told my boss, “I’m in vacation mode. Deal,” so ...
I don’t think inside the box. I don’t think outside the box either. I don’t even know where the box is The word “studying” was made up of two words originally “students dying”. This life is hard, but it’s harder if you’re stupid. Are you living a life or just paying... This specific possum looks quite mean, and as the sign aptly describes, 'not very friendly.' Whoever found her must have had excellent intentions, despite this possums hissing and growling. Just an Awesome Dog Some people just want to show off their pets; whether the ...
faith,bafflesme. I’m not even sure I want todothe Santa thing, because I feel the emphasis has become so skewed in favor of a cartoon character and materialism overthe birth of theMessiah.Several years ago, I told my grandma Kay that I wasn’t playing Dirty Santa at the family party...
Some of the funnies in this section are sunflower seed puns, one of them is from Reddit, and all of them are really funny. Plus, you can use some of them as simple captions for Instagram. So I’m sure you’ll like ’em. If you do like these sunflower jokes, please share ’em ...
Dirty Birds Dynasty Falcon Fury Birds of Prey Fly High Falcons Falcon PUNCH Falcon Frenzy Baltimore Ravens Fantasy Team Names Lights, Camera, Jackson (Lamar Jackson) Dude, Where’s Lamar? (Lamar Jackson) Lamarvelous Victory (Lamar Jackson) ...
Ever since Jackbox Games debuted, there have been plenty of silly party games popping up so here's one where you alter classic films. I don't know what that means but it sounds dirty What The Dub?! is a party game where up to 4 players can join by using a web browser on their de...
One night, a semi-regular customer drives up in front of the store as if to turn around, and then just parks on the sidewalk, almost completely blocking our door. Me:“Ma’am, you can’t park there. You need to move.” She just looks at me, says nothing, and casually walks into...